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Alphabetical Listing of Reports

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This is an alphabetical listing of POSitive Reports with a hyperlink to detailed information about the report.  A path you can follow to generate each report is listed below the report name.  A summary of what the report shows is also stated.




13 Week Quantity Sold Report: Link

*     Report Center:  Sales Reports:  13 Week Sales:  :  :  Date

Reports quantity sold of items per 13 week period with a total sold and ratio number.  The report includes category name, SKU, description.



-- A --


Accounts Receivable Activity: Link

*     Report Center:   AR Reports:  AR Activity By Date:  :  :  Date

*     Accounting:  AR Reports:  AR Activity By Date:  :  :  Date

Lists all Invoices tendered on Store Account for the date range specified with a grand total amount.  It will show the customer name and account number, invoice number, and amount of invoice.


Accounts Receivable Aging Report: Link

*     Report Center:   AR Reports:  AR Aging Report:  :  :  Options Query

*     Accounting:  AR Reports:  AR Aging Reports:  :  :  Options Query

Prints all customers on accounts receivable with open charges.  The list is sorted alphabetically by customer name.  Charges are totaled by periods of 30 Days, 60 days, 90 days, and Over 90 and a line Total for the customer.  The report can be filtered to show only past-due accounts.  Optionally, one can choose to see invoices.  A Query can be applied to filter the results of the report to target specific customers.


Accounts Receivable Payments Report: Link

*     Report Center:   AR Reports:  AR Payments By Date:  :  :  Date

*     Accounting:  AR Reports:  AR Payments By Date:  :  :  Date

Lists all payments received towards open AR charges within the date range specified.  It includes the customer name, account number, and lookup code and the invoice number being paid.


AP Aging Report: Link

*     Report Center:  AP Reports: AP Aging Report:  Run Report [F7]

*     Accounting:  AP Reports: AP Aging Report:  Run Report [F7]

Lists all vendors with open invoices and totals amounts due in groups of Current, Over 30 days, Over 60 days, and Over 90 days with grand totals for each period.


AP Batch Report:   Link

*     Report Center:  AP Reports:  AP History:  Print Batch List [F7]:

*     Accounting:  AP Reports:  AP History:  Print Batch List [F7]:

A listing of all payments to vendors processed in a given batch.  Lists the vendor invoice(s), amounts due, discounts taken and amounts paid with subtotals per vendor and grand  for the batch.


AP Not Paid - Taxes Not Yet Paid Report: Link

(see Purchase Order Tax Report  (Pending):)

!     Accounting:  Reports:  PO Tax Report  (Pending):  :  :  Sum/Det  Query

The summary report shows total of purchase orders, with and without tax, the amount of freight, and freight tax and tax on the order.  The detailed report includes the vendor name, purchase order number, vendor invoice number, and invoice date  The report is date range specific.


AR Payment Report - Customer Receipt   Link


This is a payment receipt for the customer.  When taking payment towards Accounts Receivable, you will be prompted to print a receipt for the customer.  It includes the customer name and address, account number and lookup code.  The invoices on Accounts Receivable being paid are listed with a balance still owing if the invoice is not paid in full.


AR Statement:   Link

*     Accounting:  AR Statements:  Tag:  Print Statements:  :

*     Report Center:   AR Reports:  AR Statements:  Run Report [F7]:  Tag:  Print Statements

*     Customer Center:  Customer Record:  AR Detail:  Print Statement:  :

More of a form than a report, the primary purpose is to state how much the customer currently owes and to detail why the charges are being assessed.  There are two forms: Balance Forward and Transaction Based.  Both forms include customer name, address, phone, and account number, total charges, payment due date, minimum payment due, payment due date, previous and new balance, purchase amount, finance charges, store credits, invoice date and total, payments, discounts, and refunds.  The statement can include the SKU, description and other details of the items purchased.


AR Transaction Exception Report: Link

*     Maintenance:  Data Utilities:  Verify Data:  Receivables:  Options:  Process [F10]

After verifying AR transactions POSitive may report that some customer accounts were incorrect.  POSitive automatically makes corrections and lists the names of the customers and invoice numbers in question.  You may print the list.




-- B --


Bad Checks Report:   Link

*     Management: Check Management" Actions:   "Bad Checks" Report:  :  :

Lists bad checks returned and processed during the selected date range.  Includes the amount of the check, reason for return, and customer name, account number and customer lookup code.




-- C --


Cash Forecast Report:   Link

*     Report Center:   AR Reports:  AR Cash Forecast:  :  :  Sum/Det

*     Accounting:  AR Reports:  AR Cash Forecast:  :  :  Sum/Det

Lists totals of monies due on Accounts Receivable on a per week basis.  The detailed report identifies the customers by name.


Chart of Accounts Link

*     Report Center: GL Reports: Chart of Accounts

*     Accounting: Chart Of Accounts: Print [F7]

A listing of your defined Chart of Accounts sorted by Class or Types of Accounts.


Checks Tendered Report:   Link

*     Management:  Check Management:  Actions:  Print List:  Query

Lists checks taken in payment and sorted by check number.  The list can be focused on a specific customer or match results of a query.


Consignment Agreement   Link

*     Customer Center: Highlight Customer Name:  Choose Consignments:  Print Agreement

As inventory is accepted from a consignor for resale, terms of the sale are defined and an agreement is drawn up for signature.  The Consignment Agreement can be reprinted.  Paragraphs of the agreement can be edited.


Consignment Inventory   Link

*     Report Center: Inventory: Inventory Listing: Run Report [F7]: Consignments:  Options

To report on all consignment items in inventory by SKU, Description, and stock status.  Use of the report options is useful when running other types of reports.


Consignment Letter   Link


When consignment payments are processed, one can choose to print a Consignment Letter to be included with the consignment check.  This letter includes the consignor's name and address and the amount of the enclosed check.  The letter cannot be reprinted.


Contract Pricing List Report Link

*      Contract Pricing In Process: Print: Contract Pricing Details

*      Contract Pricing In Process: Print: Contract Pricing Summary


  Contract Pricing Details

Prints a multi-page list, sorted by contract pricing number, of every pending order.  It includes the customer name, account number, contract pricing number, dates entered and due, amount due and current deposit amount as well as the inventory items on the order with SKU, Description, Quantity ordered and backordered.  At the end of the report is a Summary of Total Count of Orders, Total Amounts, Total Deposits, and Total Balance Due.


  Contract Pricing Summary

The focus is on the money and due dates, not the inventory involved.  It lists the customer name, account number, lookup code, the contract pricing number, dates created and due, the amount of the order and deposits towards the order. At the end of the report is a Summary of Total Count of Orders, Total Amounts, Total Deposits, and Total Balance Due.


Credit Card Detail:   Link

*     Accounting:  Reports:  Register Balance/Tender History:  Daily Balance History:  Credit Card Report:

Grouped by credit card type, the report includes the invoice number, date of invoice, charged amount, refunded amount, credit card identifiers and approval number with totals per card type and grand totals.


Current AP Report:   Link

*     Report Center:  AP Reports: AP Pending Report:  :  Options

*     Accounting:  AP Report: AP Pending Report:  :  Options

A summary of current accounts payable can be sorted by vendor or by week due.  If sorted by vendor the report gives the vendor name, vendor invoice number, invoice date, amount due, and date payment is due.  The list is subtotaled by vendor with a grand total at the end.  If sorted by week, all vendors with payments due during the week are subtotaled.  Report options allows for including items posted for payment or not posted or both.


Customer Accounts Receivable Transactions:   Link

*     Report Center: AR Reports:  AR Transactions By Date: Run Report [F7]

*     Accounting:  AR Reports: AR Transactions Report : : Date

*     Customer Center:  Customer Record:  AR Detail:  Print History:  :

Every customer with AR history is included in this date range defined report.  It shows each customer's Open, Closed, and Processed transactions with date, invoice or transaction number, type of transaction and comment.  The difference is calculated between charges and paid amounts with a subtotal.  There is a Grand Total at the end of the report.


Customer File:   Link

*     Customer Center: Highlight Customer: Actions Print: select Customer File  :  :

A simple printout with statistics, data, and notes about the highlighted customer.  Includes customer address dates and numbers of purchases and notes about the customer.


Customer Invoice History: Link

*     Customer Center:  Purchase History view:  Print List

Lists all invoices and products purchased within the date range.  Includes customer name, account number and lookup code, invoice number,  date and time of purchase, item SKU, description, quantity and backorder, selling price, discount percentage and line extended total and grand total.  Multi-Store: The store of origin is listed for each invoice.


Customer Labels:   Link

*     Management:  Marketing:  Customer Labels:  Options:  Query

You may print mailing labels for some or all of your customers in the Customer Center.  Use of a Query can filter the list of all customers to only those meeting specific criteria such as zip code, total of purchases, and other criteria.


Customer List:   Link

*     Management:  Marketing : Print Customer List (Report):

A list of customers by name, address and phone numbers.  Through the use of the query feature, this list can be a tool to identify those customers who meet certain criteria.


Customer Orders Link

*     Inventory Center: Highlight item:  Stock Manager view:  Double Click on "Held":  Print List

If an inventory item in stock is being held on customer orders, this report shows whose order and the number backordered.  Divides the list into Filled Orders and Backorders and shows order number, date placed, date due, customer name, quantity ordered, quantity backordered.


Customer Profit Report:   Link

*     Report Center: Sales: Customer: Run Report [F7]: Percent Profit Margin:  Option

The primary focus is on both profit and customers.  The report includes customer name, customer account number and lookup code, invoice number and date, total selling price, total cost, total profit and margin.  The data is sorted by Percent Profit, Dollar Profit, Quantity Sold, or Gross Revenue, with detail grouped under the customer name and subtotaled on the customer name line.  Grand totals are on the last page.

Variations of the Data  (see Customer Ranked By )


Customer Purchases List:   Link

*     Customer Center:  Purchase History view:  Items Purchased tab:   Export (Gold Arrow)

Comment - The report is for one customer only and can be redesigned to a degree.  The export is more flexible than a printout.  Export to Excel and the data can be sorted and totaled.


Customer Ranked By:   Link

*     Report Center: Sales: Customer: Run Report [F7]

The primary focus is on both profit and customers.  The report includes customer name, customer account number and lookup code, invoice number and date, total selling price, total cost, total profit and margin.  The data is sorted by Percent Profit, Dollar Profit, Quantity Sold, or Gross Revenue, with detail grouped under the customer name and subtotaled on the customer name line.  Grand totals are on the last page.

Variations of the Data

Customer Ranked By Invoice Monetary Profit
Customer Ranked By Number Of Transactions
Customer Ranked By Gross Sales Revenue



-- D --


Daily Sales Report: Link

*     Management:  Sales Summary:   Export (Gold Arrow)

Comment - The export is more flexible than a printout.  Export to Excel and the data can be sorted and totaled.

A summary of sales per day showing date, number of invoices, total sales, cost, profit, margin, and with returns deducted giving an adjust sales total.  These totals are summed for a Month To Date total.  A date range can be selected.


Department / Category Listing Report:   Link

*     Maintenance: Departments: Print [F7]

A listing of Department names and categories assigned to each department.


Deposit / Payment Receipt:   Link

   Transactions: Pending: select type: highlight customer Pending Transaction: choose Payment button: Select Print [F7]

A record of deposit payments (or refund payment) is printed automatically and is to be given to the customer.  The receipt can be reprinted as needed.

Voiding an order or layaway with a deposit already paid gives one the option to refund the deposit by cash or check.  A Deposit / Payment Receipt can be printed, but not re-printed once the transaction is deleted.


Deposits On File:   Link

    Accounting:  Reports:  Deposits On File:

Lists active orders, layaways, service orders, and internet orders with full or partial payment applied as a deposit towards the purchase of the items.  The report is sorted by transaction (order) number.  It includes the date of creation, customer name, type of transaction, total amount of the order, and total deposit amount.  As detail, a history of each deposit amount, method of payment, and date of a deposit applied to the pending transaction is reported.


Discrepancy Report:   Link

    Inventory:  Physical Inventory:  Reconcile From File: Print "Discrepancy Report"

When conducting a physical inventory count, new counts are listed and compared with old inventory counts and the difference between the counts is reported.  When reconciling inventory counts, POSitive will report items which now have more or less in stock than that which was originally stated. The report can focus on just the imported item or report on ALL inventory items which were not included in the batch.


Dollar Profit Link

*     Report Center: Sales Reports: Items Sorted: Run Report [F7]  Options

(see Items Sorted By)

Lists inventory sold per date range period with SKU, description, quantity, cost, price, profit, and markup.  Totals are at the bottom of the report.  The report can be sorted by Percent Profit, Dollar Profit, Quantity Sold, Gross Revenue, and Zip Code.




-- E --


Employee Exception Report:   Link

*     Report Center: Sales Reports: Employee: Options

The Exception Report shows inventory items per employee when employees have made a change to the selling price or entered a discount percentage for the item or both.  This is expressed in a field called Total Difference and is Grand Totaled at the end of the report.  Excluded from this report will be items which are anticipated to have a change in pricing.  For example, if the customer has a permanent discount then the item will be automatically discounted and will not be on this report.  Or, if the item has a flag "Ask For Price" then the item will be excluded.


Employee File Link

*     Management: Employees: Print: Print Highlighted

Prints specific information about an employee including employee name, address, phone number and notes created about the employee.  The employee's current Sales ID and password and social security number are included.


Employee List Link

*     Management: Employees: Print: Print List

A name, phone, and address list for all store employees.


Employee Sales Report:   Link

*     Report Center: Sales Reports: Employee: Options

Based on a date range and selection of employees to be included, this report displays invoice number, date and time, cashier, selling price (tax excluded), cost, profit, margin and freight per invoice.   Sorted by employee name, subtotals per employee and grand totals are printed.


Employee Sales w/Graph:   Link

*     Management:  Sales Summary:  Employee Sales:  Print:  :

Sales totals by each employee for the specified time period are listed and displayed in a graph.


Employee Service Time Report Link

    Management: Service Time Cards: Print Tagged

Service orders can track time spent by technicians on that service order.  This report is printed one page per employee and includes the employee name, date of service, service order number, time in and time out and hours worked per service order and totals for the date range selected.


Employee Time Report Link

    Management: Employee Time Cards: Print Tagged

This report is printed one page per employee and includes the employee name, date, time in and time out, and hours worked with a grand total for the date range selected.




-- F --


Freight Summary Report:   Link

    Inventory:  Purchase Order History:  Reports:  Freight Summary:

For a selected date range, this report lists all purchase orders received from each vendor.  The freight value is totaled per vendor and grand totaled for the date range.  The report includes vendor name, vendor invoice date, vendor invoice number and PO Number.


Frequent Buyer History Report Link

    Management: Frequent Buyer Program: Print History

    Customer Center: Frequent Buyer tab: Print

A summary report listing rewards earned per the highlighted customer.  The report shows the customer name, account number and lookup code, date and time of purchase of qualifying products, the value of the qualifying products, and the amount of the award.  A grand total of awards and balance towards next award are at the end of the report.


Frequent Buyer Report Link

    Management: Frequent Buyer Program: Print [F7]

Lists all customers assigned to a specific frequent buyer program.  The report includes the customer name, account number and lookup code as well as total to be awarded and balance being applied towards next award.




-- G --


General Ledger:   Link

*     Accounting:  Reports:  General Ledger:  :

*     Accounting:  GL Setup:  GL Reports:  General Ledger:  :


General Ledger Accounts:    Link

    Accounting:  General Ledger:  Chart Of Accounts:  Print:  :


General Ledger Balance Sheet:    Link

    Accounting:  General Ledger:  Reports:  Balance Sheet:  :


General Ledger:  Income Statement    Link

*     Accounting:  Reports:  General Ledger:  :

*     Accounting:  GL Setup:  GL Reports:  General Ledger:  :

General Ledger Journal Entries:  Link

    Accounting: General Ledger: Add/Edit/Post: Print [F11]


General Ledger Journal Entries Detail Report:   Link

    Accounting:  General Ledger:  Transaction History:  Print:  :  Sum/Det

Lists debits and credits per GL Account for the batch or date range.  Note: only "posted" transactions will appear on the report.


General Ledger Operating Statement:    Link

    Accounting:  General Ledger:  Reports:  Operating Statement:  :


Gift Certificate Sales Report: Link

*     Management:  Gift Cards: Sales Report [F8]

A listing of gift certificates sold during a specified date range.  The report includes the date of sale, invoice number, and customer name on the invoice.  The amount of the gift certificate is listed and totaled for the date range.


Gift Certificates Outstanding:   Link

*     Management:  Gift Cards: Print [F7]

All gift certificates not fully redeemed are listed by date sold.  The report includes the gift certificate number, date sold, sales person, invoice number, customer name, and amount of the gift certificate.  If a gift certificate has been redeemed in full, it is removed from the list.  If it has only been partially redeemed, the amount spent is displayed and a balance calculated.  All balances outstanding are totaled.:


GL Interface List:   Link

*     Accounting:  GL Setup:  Print GL Interface

A printout of the GL Setup fields and GL Accounts assigned to those fields arranged by Types.


Gross Revenue Link

*     Report Center: Sales Reports: Items Sorted: Run Report [F7]  Options

(see Items Sorted By)

Lists inventory sold per date range period with SKU, description, quantity, cost, price, profit, and markup.  Totals are at the bottom of the report.  The report can be sorted by Percent Profit, Dollar Profit, Quantity Sold, Gross Revenue, and Zip Code.




-- H --


Hourly Sales Summary w/Graph:   Link

*     Management:  Sales Summary:  Hourly Sales:  Print:

Invoices are time stamped.  This report shows total sales per hour for the given date range.  The report includes a total number of invoices and sales, and a graph of sales per hour.




-- I --


Internet Orders List Report Link

  Internet Orders In Process: Print: Internet Order Details

  Internet Orders In Process: Print: Internet Order Summary


  Internet Order Details

Prints a multi-page list, sorted by internet order number, of every pending order.  It includes the customer name, account number, internet order number, dates entered and due, amount due and current deposit amount as well as the inventory items on the order with SKU, Description, Quantity ordered and backordered.  At the end of the report is a Summary of Total Count of Orders, Total Amounts, Total Deposits, and Total Balance Due.


  Internet Order Summary

The focus is on the money and due dates, not the inventory involved.  It lists the customer name, account number, lookup code, the internet order number, dates created and due, the amount of the order and deposits towards the order. At the end of the report is a Summary of Total Count of Orders, Total Amounts, Total Deposits, and Total Balance Due.


Inventory Discrepancy Report:   Link

    Inventory:  Physical Inventory:  Reconcile From File:  Discrepancy Report:  Print:  :

Whenever a Physical Inventory count is taken and entered into the "Import Physical Inventory From File" screen, any differences between the Original and Actual count can be printed by selecting the Discrepancy Report.  The report can exclude or include items not counted.  The report shows SKU, Description, original and actual counts.


Inventory Exception Report:   Link

    Inventory:  Physical Inventory:  Reconciliation Report:  Print:  :

Whenever inventory stock counts are adjusted manually, a log is kept showing the date of the adjustment and difference between the original or computer count and the new Actual count.


Inventory Listing:   Link

    Inventory:  Inventory Reports:  Inventory Listing:  Options  :Query

List of all or selective inventory items based upon sort order and query applications.  Report shows SKU, description, inventory type, current stock count, number held, and Stock location.  Report definition can group inventory by department or category.


Inventory Matrix Report:   Link

    Report Center: Inventory Reports: Matrix Report: Run Report [F7]  Options

    Inventory Center: Edit Matrix Header: choose Print under Actions

The report keeps the characteristics of the row/column grid showing item information.  Data to be displayed in the report can be cost, stock quantity, quantity to order, or selling price.  The report can contain one or more matrices.


Inventory Price List:   Link

    Inventory:  Inventory Reports:  Inventory Price List:

The list shows SKU, Description, and pricing for the first three price levels of each item.  The report can be redefined to include more information.


Inventory Sales Report With Notes   Link

Sales Report All Inventory

*     Report Center: Sales Reports: Inventory:  Run Report [F7]:  Options

The report can include line notes added to the invoice listed below the inventory item or in place of the customer information.

Using a date range, this reports sales of all inventory items and includes invoice number, date of invoice, customer name, account number and customer lookup code, quantity of items purchased, cost, selling price, average cost and average price, profit amount, and margin per line item.  It can be sorted by SKU or description.

Inventory Valuation Report:   Link

    Inventory:  Inventory Reports:  Inventory Valuation:

Lists inventory in stock and calculates the wholesale value of all items.  Printing with no detail shows SKU, Description, inventory type, stock count, average cost and total cost.  Printing with detail shows purchase order sources which explain the average cost and additionally includes vendor name, purchase date, purchase order number, quantity received and cost.  On the last page of the report is a synopsis by department / category with total cost, total stock counts and percentages each department and category fulfill compared to all inventory.


Invoice Sales Report:   Link

*     Report Center:  Sales Reports:  Invoices:  :  Date Sum/Detail  - (see Note Management)

The summary report for the designated date range lists total sales, total cost, total profit, margin, freight totals, and a combined sum of total plus freight.  The value of trade-ins is also included. The detailed report lists each invoice number, date of invoice, time of invoice, cashier name, station number total price, cost, profit amount, margin, and freight.  The mosted detailed report, includes the customer name and address and the inventory on the invoice; SKU, description, quantity, and sales tax 1 and sales tax 2 amounts.  Grand totals are at the end of each report.


Items Discarded Report:   Link

    Inventory:  Inventory Reports:  Items Discarded:  :  :

Inventory returns which have been deemed unreturnable to stock or to the vendor is discarded.  A report on these discarded items for a specified date range includes the sales ID of employee processing the discards,  SKU, description, date of discard, quantity, cost of the item and extended total cost.  A grand total cost is listed at the end of the report.


Items Not Ordered Since….:   Link

    Accounting:  Reports:  Stock Reports:  Items Not Ordered Since:  : Options : Query

A stock count report of inventory which would be considered old because it has not been purchased from vendors since a designated date.  This report shows SKU, description, current stock count, number held for customer orders, number available for sale, and the last date the product was purchased from vendors.  The report can be sorted by SKU or description.


Items Not Sold Since…:   Link

    Accounting:  Reports:  Stock Reports:  Items Not Sold Since:  :Options   Query

A stock count report of inventory which would be considered old because it has not been sold since a designated date.  This report shows SKU, description, current stock count, number held for customer orders, number available for sale, and the last date the product was sold.  The report can be sorted by SKU or description.


Items On Order Link

    Inventory: Orders In Process: By Item: Print:  Query

Inventory ordered from vendors but not yet received is listed with SKU, description, quantity and cost.  The date placed, and the date expected and the purchase order number are also part of the report.


Items On Order VS Stock Count:   Link

    Report Center: Inventory Reports: Orders Vs Stock: Run Report [F7]  Options

Compares current stock counts and purchase orders in transit with customer orders, layaways, and service orders pending.  Shows SKU, description, number in stock, number needed, number ordered, and number still needing to be ordered to fulfill customer orders.  Choosing to print detail will show customer name, order number, quantity, and date needed.


Items Purchased Report:   Link

    Report Center: PO History Reports:  Purchase Orders By Date: Run Report [F7]  Query

    Inventory:  Purchase Order History:  Reports:  Items Purchased By Date:  :  Query

Lists inventory by SKU and description with detail about purchase order history showing date received, PO number, vendor name and the quantity, cost and extended total.  The quantity and value of all purchase orders in the date range are totaled and the cost averaged.


Items Returnable To Vendor:   Link

    Accounting:  Reports:  Stock Reports:  Items Returnable To Vendor:  :

Lists inventory which has been purchased from a vendor with an agreement that unsold product can be returned within a specified number of days.  The report lists below the vendor name and number of "returnable days" the items which can be returned showing vendor SKU, your SKU, description, the original purchase order number, vendor invoice date and date arrived, quantity, cost and extended total cost.  The report setup allows you to select the vendor(s) to be included in the report.


Items Sorted By....: Link

*     Report Center: Sales Reports: Items Sorted: Run Report [F7]  Options

Lists inventory sold per date range period with SKU, description, quantity, cost, price, profit, and markup.  Totals are at the bottom of the report.  The report can be sorted by Percent Profit, Dollar Profit, Quantity Sold, Gross Revenue, and Zip Code.


Item Stock Report   Link

  Inventory Center: Highlight Item: RightMouseClick: Item Stock: Print

Lists the source(s) of the stock count which includes the date received, purchase order number, vendor name, cost and quantity as well as the SKU and Description of the item.  If the inventory item is serialized, the report will include serial numbers.




-- J --



-- L --


Layaway List Report Link

  Layaways In Process: Print: Layaway Details

  Layaways In Process: Print: Layaway Summary


  Layaway Details

Prints a multi-page list, sorted by layaway number, of every pending order.  It includes the customer name, account number, layaway number, dates entered and due, amount due and current deposit amount as well as the inventory items on the order with SKU, Description, Quantity ordered and backordered.  At the end of the report is a Summary of Total Count of Orders, Total Amounts, Total Deposits, and Total Balance Due.


  Layaway Summary

The focus is on the money and due dates, not the inventory involved.  It lists the customer name, account number, lookup code, the layaway number, dates created and due, the amount of the order and deposits towards the order. At the end of the report is a Summary of Total Count of Orders, Total Amounts, Total Deposits, and Total Balance Due.


Layaway Report:   Link

    Accounting:  Accounts:  Layaway Reports:  :  :  Query

Lists all layaways pending.  Includes layaway number, customer name, customer account number, total of the layaway, amount paid as deposit, balance still due, and last paid date, and date when layaway is to be delivered.


Layaway Statement:   Link

    Accounting:  Accounts:  Layaway Statements:

One can choose to mail reminders to customers with products on layaway by printing out statements.  The statement includes customer name and address, customer account number, layaway number and expected delivery date.  Total due on the layaway and a listing of payments already made with date, amount, and tender type.  A grand total collected and the remaining balance are printed at the bottom of the statement.


List Of Declined Recurring Invoices   Link

   Run Batch on the Recurring Invoices In Process Screen, follow prompts.

A simple listing of invoice number, customer name, and the fact that the credit card submitted for processing was declined.


List of Vendors:   Link

    Utilities: Vendors: Print List [F6]

A simple listing of your vendors sorted by vendor name.  Shows vendor name, ID code, city, state, zip code, phone and fax phone number.


List of Voids Link

    Management: List of Voids: Voided Invoices

Lists the invoice number, date of creation, time of creation, sales ID and name of employee who voided the invoice and a reason for the void.  The list can be purged from time to time.




-- M --


Monthly Sales Summary w/Graph:   Link

*     Management:  Sales Summary:  Annual Sales:  Print:  :

A 13 month tally of sales and returns per month.  Shows totals of taxed items and non-taxed items and a calculated total for the month.  A graph is included for easier interpretation.


Multi-Store Sales Report   Link

  Management: Daily Sales Summary: Multi-Store: Summary tab: Store Sales Reports: Inventory Report

Lists quantities of all inventory sold in all stores for a specific date range.  The report includes the item SKU with description, the number sold per store and a line total.  The last line has column totals.


Multi-Store Sales Summary Report Link

  Management: Daily Sales Summary: Multi-Store: Summary tab: Store Sales Reports: Sales Summary

Shows daily sales dollars (without tax) for each store for each day of sales for the specified date range.  The grid consists of dates, store codes, and line and column totals.


Multi-Store Stock Report Link

  Inventory Center: Multi-store tab: Print

A grid style report lists each SKU with item description, stock count in each store in the multi-store group, and a line total.  The last line of the report totals column counts.


Multi-Store Transfer Report Link

  Inventory: Multi-Store: Manage Transfers: Pending Transfers tab: Print [F7]

This report shows a grid of inventory items and remote stores and totals per row and columns of all items being transferred to other stores.





-- O --


Order List:   Link

    Inventory:  Prepare Order List:  Print List

Lists inventory items needing to be ordered from vendors.  Includes SKU, description, quantity on hand, minimum stock and minimum order settings, suggested number needed, calculated quantity to order, cost, and vendor selected.


Order List Report Link

  Orders In Process: Print: Order Details

  Orders In Process: Print: Order Summary


  Order Details

Prints a multi-page list, sorted by order number, of every pending order.  It includes the customer name, account number, order number, dates entered and due, amount due and current deposit amount as well as the inventory items on the order with SKU, Description, Quantity ordered and backordered.  At the end of the report is a Summary of Total Count of Orders, Total Amounts, Total Deposits, and Total Balance Due.


  Order Summary

The focus is on the money and due dates, not the inventory involved.  It lists the customer name, account number, lookup code, the order number, dates created and due, the amount of the order and deposits towards the order. At the end of the report is a Summary of Total Count of Orders, Total Amounts, Total Deposits, and Total Balance Due.


Orders Arrived List:   Link

    Purchase Order:  Receive:  Orders Arrived Table:  :  Print List:

This report prints only at the time of receiving a PO and includes the inventory item SKU and description, names of customer(s) who have ordered the product, with order number, customer phone numbers, quantity ordered, and quantity "here" for delivery.


Orders, Grouped By Item Link

  Orders In Process: Print: Orders, Grouped By Item

The focus is on the inventory items.  It shows the SKU, Description, Ordered Quantity, Backordered Quantity and the Bin Location of the item.  Additionally, if you choose to Print Detail, the order number and the customer name is displayed under the inventory item.

The setup allows for selection of Sort Order, Date Range (based on the Date Created or Date Due), and printing of Detail.




-- P --


Paid Commissions Report Link

    Management: Commission Processing: Sales Commissions History: Print

Lists amount of commission to each employee.  The report includes employee sales ID, invoice number, customer name, date of invoice, inventory SKU and description, quantity sold, amount of sale, commission percentage, fixed commission, and total amount to pay per line item and grand total paid.


Percent Profit Link

*     Report Center: Sales Reports: Items Sorted: Run Report [F7]  Options

(see Items Sorted By)

Lists inventory sold per date range period with SKU, description, quantity, cost, price, profit, and markup.  Totals are at the bottom of the report.  The report can be sorted by Percent Profit, Dollar Profit, Quantity Sold, Gross Revenue, and Zip Code.


Physical Inventory - All Entries:   Link

    Inventory:  Physical Inventory:  Reconcile From File:  Print List:  :

When conducting a physical inventory count, new counts are listed and compared with old inventory counts and the difference between the counts is reported.


Physical Inventory - Exception Report:   Link

    Inventory:  Physical Inventory:  Reconcile From File:  Print:  :

(see Inventory Discrepancy Report)

Whenever a Physical Inventory count is taken and entered into the "Import Physical Inventory From File" screen, any differences between the Original and Actual count can be printed by selecting the Discrepancy Report.  The report can exclude or include items not counted.  The report shows SKU, Description, original and actual counts.


Physical Stock Count:   Link

    Inventory:  Physical Inventory:  Reconcile Inventory:  Print:  :

    Inventory:  Physical Inventory:  Print Inventory List:

As an aid to to conducting a year end physical stock count, this report lists SKU, description, current stock count, and a place to tally your actual count.  If product is serialized, serial numbers will be listed with the item.  Print options allow for changing sort order, applying a query, and other output options.


PO Summary Link

  Report Center: PO History: Purchase Order Summary

Not a printable report, but a useful display.

A summary of all purchases, payments, credits, and balance per month for a selected year.


Price Change Report Link

    Inventory: Maintenance: Global Changes

The purpose of this report is to preview the effects of a global price change before committing changes.  It lists the SKU, description, old cost, new cost, old price 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 and the new price 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.


Print Customer Labels


Profit By Week:   Link

*    Report Center: Sales Reports: Weekly Summary: Run Report [F7]  Options

A summary report shows total sales, cost, profit and margin for each weekly period with grand totals at the end.  A detailed report shows invoice number, invoice date and line item cost, price, profit and margin for each weekly period.


Profit Report Sorted By....:   Link

*     Report Center: Sales Reports: Items Sorted: Run Report [F7]  Options

(see Items Sorted By)

Lists inventory sold per date range period with SKU, description, quantity, cost, price, profit, and markup.  Totals are at the bottom of the report.  The report can be sorted by Percent Profit, Dollar Profit, Quantity Sold, Gross Revenue, and Zip Code.


Promo Pricing Report Link

    Inventory: Promo Manager: Items: Print [F7]

Lists all items on promo by SKU, Description, Start Date and Time, and End Date and Time.


Purchase Order:   Link

    Purchase Order:  Edit:  Print:  :  :

    Purchase Order Center: Receive POs [F3]: Print [F7]: Highlighted

A purchase order printout shows all the essential information about your company and the vendor as well as the inventory items being purchased.  Included in the form are your PO number, account number, terms of payment, shipping method, date of purchase order and purchaser sales ID.  This form can be redesigned with the Report Editor.


Purchase Order By Date:   Link

    Report Center: PO History Reports: Purchase Orders By Date: Run Report [F7]  Options

    Inventory:  Purchase Order History:  Reports:  Purchase Orders By Date:  Summary/Detail:

The summary report lists all purchase orders by date within the date range and includes the purchase order number, vendor invoice number, date arrived, vendor name, total of the purchase order, freight total, order tax and freight tax and a grand total of each.  The detailed report also includes the vendor SKU, your SKU, description, quantity received, cost, and extended total cost.


Purchase Order Price Changes Report:   Link

    Purchase Order:  Receive PO:  Process PO:  PO Receive Summary screen:  Print Price Changes  :

REPRINT      Inventory: Purchase Order History: By PO Number/Date: Highlight PO: Print Price Change Report

When receiving inventory items with cost changes can be edited and new selling prices assigned.  This report includes the SKU, description, vendor SKU, quantity received, original selling prices and new selling prices of items changed.  Also included is the vendor, date of purchase order and purchase order number.


Purchase Order Receiving Report:   Link

    Purchase Order:  Receive PO:  Process PO:  Receiving Report:  :

A purchase order form which includes the quantity ordered and quantity received.  Items with adjusted pricing have an asterisk following the Line Total value.


Purchase Order Summary Report:   Link

    Purchase Order Center: Receive POs [F3]: Print [F7]: All

Prints pending purchase orders for selected vendors.  The report includes vendor name, purchase order number, date placed, date expected and total of purchase orders for the vendor and grand total of all purchase orders.


Purchase Order Tax Report  (Paid):   Link

    Accounting:  Reports:  PO Tax Report  (Paid):  :  :  Sum/Det

The summary report shows total of purchase orders, with and without tax, the amount of freight, and freight tax and tax on the order.  The detailed report includes the vendor name, purchase order number, vendor invoice number, and the date taxes were paid.  The report is date range specific.


Purchase Order Tax Report  (Pending):   Link

    Accounting:  Reports:  PO Tax Report  (Pending):  :  :  Sum/Det

(see AP Not Paid - Taxes Not Yet Paid Report)

The summary report shows total of purchase orders, with and without tax, the amount of freight, and freight tax and tax on the order.  The detailed report includes the vendor name, purchase order number, vendor invoice number, and invoice date  The report is date range specific.




-- Q --


Quantity Sold Link

*     Report Center: Sales Reports: Items Sorted: Run Report [F7]  Options

(see Items Sorted By)

Lists inventory sold per date range period with SKU, description, quantity, cost, price, profit, and markup.  Totals are at the bottom of the report.  The report can be sorted by Percent Profit, Dollar Profit, Quantity Sold, Gross Revenue, and Zip Code.


Quotes List Report Link

  Quotes In Process: Print: Quote Details

  Quotes In Process: Print: Quote Summary


  Quote Details

Prints a multi-page list, sorted by quote number, of every pending order.  It includes the customer name, account number, quote number, dates entered and due, amount due and current deposit amount as well as the inventory items on the order with SKU, Description, Quantity ordered and backordered.  At the end of the report is a Summary of Total Count of Orders, Total Amounts, Total Deposits, and Total Balance Due.


  Quote Summary

The focus is on the money and due dates, not the inventory involved.  It lists the customer name, account number, lookup code, the quote number, dates created and due, the amount of the order and deposits towards the order. At the end of the report is a Summary of Total Count of Orders, Total Amounts, Total Deposits, and Total Balance Due.




-- R --


Reconciliation Report: Link

Accounting: Checkbook: Reconcile History: Print Batch

After reconciling the checkbook with the bank statement, a batch of transactions is created.  Printing this batch includes the settlement date and time, bank and account number, opening and closing balance and detailed lines of each transaction to include check number, date of check, name on check, memo, check amount and deposit amount.


Refund Check - Cover Letter Link


When processing Refund Checks to customers, one is prompted to print a cover letter to explain the reason for the check.


Register Activity Log Report:   Link

    Management:  Daily Transaction Log:  Print:

The report includes the register number, date and time of transaction, name of the employee and a description of the transaction.  The data can be purged from time to time to keep the list short.


Register Balance Report - Detail:   Link

    Accounting:  Reports:  Register Balance/Tender History:  Daily Balance History:  Register Balance Report:

Upon balancing the cash drawer a detailed report of transactions are grouped into sections such as AR Payments, Invoices, Deposits, etc.  Included in the report is the date of the transaction, the reference or invoice number, amount in cash, checks, charge cards, coupons, gift certificates, store credits used, on account charges, and food stamp values.  These are all totaled per section and grand totaled at the end.  Each transaction also shows the sales clerk ID and transaction type.


Register Balance Report - Summary:   Link

    Accounting:  Reports:  Register Balance/Tender History:  Daily Balance History:  Register Balance Report:

This summary report is per register or workstation for a given date.  It includes total cash, checks, charge cards, coupons, gift certificates, and food stamps tendered for both the computer counts and cashier reported amounts and any differences are displayed as over or short values.  The report also shows starting balance of cash and amount of cash left for making change during the next shift.  A total "your deposit" amount includes the sum of cash, checks, and charge cards, with a subtotal of just cash and checks.  Also included is a fluctuating list of transaction values which appear only if there are relevant transactions for the period.  The total of this column and the total "your deposit" column should be equal.


Register Balance Summary Report:   Link

    Accounting:  Reports:  Register Balance/Tender History:  Daily Balance Summary:

Using a date range, all workstation totals are combined into one report, however, there is no grand totals for the report.  The report includes, date register was balanced, register number, sales ID of employee balancing the register, actual counts of cash, checks, charge cards, coupons, gift certificates, and food stamps, compared with computer counts of the same.  Over and short calculations are reported for each tender type, and cash left in drawer is reported.  This is repeated for each workstation balanced during the specified time period.


Register Sales Category Summary:   Link

    Accounting:  Reports:  Register Balance/Tender History:  Daily Balance History:  Category Report:

Sales for the time period and workstation covered by the when the cash drawer is balanced is summarized by category.  The report includes the category name, total sale amount, total quantity sold, total return amount and quantity, total discounts and quantity per category with a calculated line total and percent of sales.  Subtotals for all sales amounts and quantities of sales, refunds, discounts and a grand total less transaction discounts and less trade-in values.


RMA Aging Report: Link

*     Purchasing:  RMA Reports:  RMA Aging Report

Inventory items sent back to vendors on RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) are reported showing date of return, quantity returned, number of days since being sent back showing dollar values under Current, Over 30, Over 60, and Over 90 Days.  Quantities and dollar values are subtotaled per inventory item and grand totaled at the end of the report.  The report is grouped by vendor name and includes SKU and item description.


RMA Letter To Vendor: Link

*     Purchasing:  RMA Reports:  RMA History:  Process RMA:  Print RMA Letter

Inventory items being sent back to vendors are listed on a form which can be sent to the vendor itemizing quantities, serial numbers, purchase date and invoice number, reason for return and action to be taken.




-- S --


Sales By Employee w/Graph:   Link

*     Management:  Sales Summary:  Employee Sales:  Print:  :

Sales totals by each employee for the specified time period are listed and displayed in a graph.


Sales Report All Inventory:   Link

*     Report Center:  Sales Reports:  Inventory:  :  Options

Using a date range, this reports sales of all inventory items and includes invoice number, date of invoice, customer name, account number and customer lookup code, quantity of items purchased, cost, selling price, average cost and average price, profit amount, and margin per line item.  The report can be sorted by SKU or description.  It can include detail or summary information and can include line notes added to the invoice listed below the inventory item or in place of the customer information.


Sales Report By Category   Link

    Report Center: Sales Reports: Dept/Category:  Run Report [F7]:  Options

Lists inventory sold grouped by category.  This report includes invoice number, invoice date, customer name,  SKU, description, quantity sold, cost, selling price, discount amount, net price, average cost, average price, profit and margin per item and subtotals.  (When option "Use Departments" is off.)


Sales Report By Department:   Link

*     Report Center:  Sales Reports:  Department:  :  Options

This report includes invoice number, invoice date, customer name, SKU, description, quantity sold, cost, selling price, discount amount, net price, average cost, average price, profit and margin per item and subtotals.


Sales Report By Vendor:   Link

*     Report Center:  Sales Reports:  Vendor:  :  Options

Using a specified date range and selection of vendors, the report groups sold inventory items under the vendor name.  The summary report includes vendor name, SKU, description, quantity sold, average cost, average price, profit, and margin.  All items for a vendor are subtotaled.  At the end of the report totals are listed by vendor name, total cost, total price, profit, margin and percentage of sales and a grand total for cost, price and profit.  The detailed report also includes invoice number, invoice date, customer name and account number and code number with subtotals per inventory item.


Sales Tax Report:   Link

    Accounting:  Reports:  Sales Tax Report:  :  :  Date Sum/Det

Lists sales taxes collected for a given date range.  The summary report includes sales tax group name, sales, returns, total sales, amount of tax collected, and total collected per tax group with a grand total section of sales, returns, total sales without tax, total tax collected and grand total collected.  Two additional fields are total taxable and total non-taxable to distinguish between inventory items sold which never charge tax.  The detailed report also groups by tax group and includes invoice number, date and time of sale, amount taxed and not taxed, total invoice amount, tax collected based on applied to value per tax category.  The tax group is summarized and a grand total at the end of the report.


Sales vs Purchases (Cash Flow) [Display Only] Link

    Accounting:  Reports:  Sales Vs Purchases

A display only which summarizing month by month sales, purchases, and sales minus purchases.  Also includes total amounts collected, paid, and overall cash flow.  Grand totals for the year are displayed at the bottom.  One can select the year to be displayed.


Service History   Link

  Register: Invoice History: Service folder icon: Print History

Prints all notes associated to the highlighted invoice.  The report includes the service order number (at the end of the note title), the current invoice number, service order number, date and time of the note, employee sales ID and contents of each note.


Service Order List Report Link

  Service Orders In Process: Print: Service Order Details

  Service Orders In Process: Print: Service Order Summary


 Service Order Details

Prints a multi-page list, sorted by service order number, of every pending order.  It includes the customer name, account number, service order number, dates entered and due, amount due and current deposit amount as well as the inventory items on the order with SKU, Description, Quantity ordered and backordered.  At the end of the report is a Summary of Total Count of Orders, Total Amounts, Total Deposits, and Total Balance Due.


  Service Order Summary

The focus is on the money and due dates, not the inventory involved.  It lists the customer name, account number, lookup code, the service order number, dates created and due, the amount of the order and deposits towards the order. At the end of the report is a Summary of Total Count of Orders, Total Amounts, Total Deposits, and Total Balance Due.


SKUs Not Found Report: Link

    Inventory:  Physical Inventory:  Reconcile From File: Print "SKUs Not Found"

When conducting a physical inventory count, new counts are listed and compared with old inventory counts and the difference between the counts is reported.  When reconciling inventory counts, POSitive will report items which are not recognizable because the SKU does not exist in the Inventory List.

Stock Location Report:   Link

    Report Center: Inventory Reports: Stock Report

    Inventory:  Inventory Reports:  Stock Report:  :  :

Alphabetically lists each shelf or bin location and the inventory items assigned to that location.  The inventory item's SKU, description and current stock count are included in the report.  Use of a Query can filter the report output.


Store Credits List:   Link

*     Report Center:   AR Reports:  Store Credits Report:

*     Accounting:  AR Reports:  Store Credits Report:

List all store credits still active.  The report includes customer name, account number and lookup code and credit amount with a grand total credits outstanding.


Summary Of Tender Report:   Link

    Accounting:  Reports:  Register Balance/Tender History:  Tender History Summary:  :  Sum/Det

Lists one or more tender types for any date range.  Available tender types are cash, check, credit card(s), debit card, finance company, store account, store credits used, and gift certificates redeemed.  A summary report includes each selected tender type, total amount and percentage of grand total collected.  The detailed report shows transaction date, invoice or reference number, customer name, amount, transaction type.




-- T --


Templates Sales Report Link

Sales Report By Department

    Report Center: Sales Reports: Dept/Category:  Run Report [F7]:  Options

The sale of a template will list all components of the template on the customer invoice.  The components are reported in their respective departments and categories as described in Sales Report By Department.


The sale of a "hidden template" or "kit" only lists the template name on the customer invoice, yet it can be reported on in one of two ways:

each component of the kit is counted under its appropriate department and category.

This report includes invoice number, invoice date, customer name,  SKU, description, quantity sold, cost, selling price, discount amount, net price, average cost, average price, profit and margin per item and subtotals.  The counts are subtotaled by item, and the subtotals are totaled by category and by department with a department summary on the last page.

the kit is counted as a complete unit; the components are not included in the report but the cost of the kit is the total of all items in the kit.

This report includes invoice number, invoice date, customer name,  Kit SKU, description, quantity sold, cost of all items in the kit, selling price, discount amount, net price, average cost, average price, profit and margin per item and subtotals.  The counts are subtotaled by item, and the subtotals are totaled by category and by department with a department summary on the last page.


Tender Report:   Link

    Accounting:  Reports:  Register Balance/Tender History:  Tender History Summary:  :  Sum/Det

Lists one or more tender types for any date range.  Available tender types are cash, check, credit card(s), debit card, finance company, store account, store credits used, and gift certificates redeemed.  A summary report includes each selected tender type, total amount and percentage of grand total collected.  The detailed report shows transaction date, invoice or reference number, customer name, amount, transaction type.


Transfer History Report (Multi-store) Link

  Inventory: Multi-Store: Transfer History: Highlight batch: Print [F7]

Lists inventory which has been transferred to other stores.  Includes SKU, description, serial number, quantity, cost, and line total.  Also includes date, batch or PO number, store receiving transfer, and total dollar value of the transfer.


Transfer Inventory List  (Multi-store) Link

  Transfer Manager: Process Transfer: Preview Transfer Report

When products are transferred, one is prompted to print a Transfer Inventory List.  This is a report to show what products are being sent from the main store to the remote store.  This shows SKU, description, store code, store name, and transfer quantity.


Trial Balance:    Link

    Accounting:  General Ledger:  Reports:  Trial Balance:  :




-- U --


Uncollectable Debts Report:   Link

*     Accounting:  AR Reports:  Uncollectable Debts:  :  :  Date

Accounts receivable for a specified time period which have been flagged as uncollectable are listed with the customer account number, customer name, lookup code, date of purchase and amount of purchase.  A total of charges is listed.


Unpaid Commissions Report Link

    Management: Commission Processing: Sales Commission Posting: Print [F7]

Commissions earned by employees but which have not yet been processed to pay are listed. Included in this report is the employee sales ID, invoice number, customer name, date of sale, SKU, description, quantity sold, amount of sale, commission percentage, commission earned, fixed commission amount and extended total to be paid.  Return invoices will deduct commissions.  Not all commissions earned will necessarily be paid at this time, so a Total to Pay can be different than the Total Commissions.


Unpaid Consignments Report Link

*     Management: Consignments: Print List [F7]

Lists the sale of all consignment items, the consignor's name and amount to be paid to the consignor, with a grand total at the end of the report.  Included is the date of sale, invoice number, SKU and description and quantity of the item sold.   The paid value will always be zero unless the item is tagged to be paid.


Used Inventory Valuation Report Link

    Inventory:  Inventory Reports:  Inventory Valuation:  Sort Items Screen: Used Inventory

By selecting the option to report only on Used Items, the detailed valuation report includes SKU, description, type, quantity in stock, average cost, total cost, date received, time received, customer name, condition of item, and grand totals of stock and cost.





-- V --


Vendor AP History Report Link

*     Report Center: AP Reports: AP History Report

*     Accounting:  Accounts Payable:  AP Reports: AP History Report  Options

Lists all payments to all or selected vendors for a given time period.  Payment amounts are subtotaled per vendor with a page break separating vendors.  The report includes vendor name, account number, invoice number, date, date due, amount due, discounted amount, date paid and amount paid.


Vendor Detail:   Link

*     Vendors: Highlight Vendor: Print Selected [F7]

Information about a specific vendor includes vendor name, address, phone numbers, your account number with the vendor, terms or payment, default shipping method, your credit limit with the vendor,  Also shows when you first dealt with the vendor, last purchase date, and date of last payment to the vendor.


Vendor Inventory Sales History:   Link

    Report Center: Vendors: Run Report [F7]

see Vendor Sales Report By Department


Vendor Inventory Sales Summary:   Link

    Report Center: Vendors: Run Report [F7]

see Vendor Sales Summary Report


Vendor Sales Report By Department   Link

*     Report Center: Vendor Reports:  Vendor Inventory Sales History:  Run Report [F7]:  Options

After selecting a date range and vendors and departments and categories to be included, the report includes vendor ID, SKU, Description, Quantity: received, sold to date, on hand, over/under, on order, sold per month, Item cost, on hand valuation, total profit for the time period, and a summation of sales per department and category.


Vendor Sales Summary Report   Link

*     Report Center: Vendor Reports: Vendor Inventory Sales Summary:  Run Report [F7]:  Options

After selection of date range and vendors to be included, the report groups inventory sold by vendor name, shows vendor SKU, item SKU, description, quantity sold during the time period, average cost, current stock on hand quantity, selling price (price 1 only), number of units on order, and date last sold.


Vendor Stock Valuation Report:   Link

*     Report Center: Vendor Reports: Vendor Stock Valuation Report:  Run Report [F7]:  Options

The report groups inventory by vendor, lists the vendor SKU, item SKU, description, stock count, average cost, and an extended total cost of the item.  On the last page is a Vendor Summary which totals all items per vendor.  The detailed report includes date the item was received from vendor, quantity received, current stock and cost of line item.




-- Z --


Zip Code Profit Report   Link

*     Report Center: Sales Reports: Items Sorted: Run Report [F7]  Options

Lists zip codes and city name with number of invoice per zip code, total sale amounts, profit and markup per date range period. Totals are at the bottom of the report.

(see Items Sorted By)

Lists inventory sold per date range period with SKU, description, quantity, cost, price, profit, and markup.  Totals are at the bottom of the report.  The report can be sorted by Percent Profit, Dollar Profit, Quantity Sold, Gross Revenue, and Zip Code.