Various tools help make the creation of invoices easier.
Invoice Screen Options - you have 3 types of invoicing screens to choose from. Each type provides some unique functionality.
Advanced Printing - when an invoice is printed, a second invoice, coupons, a form, or report can print as a follow up
Advanced Search - change a quick sale invoice into a customer sale by entering phone number or special code number
Bottle Deposits - automate bottle deposit charges and payouts
Invoice Button Bar - customize the list of function buttons on the invoice screen
Invoice Design - grouping of items on a quote or invoice under titled sections
Invoice Quick Find - to find invoices in Invoice History with specific content which could be more than just SKU and description
Mix & Match Manager - establish sale price groups and items which qualify for the prices
Orders In Process - transactions pending delivery. Includes Orders, Layaways, Quotes, and Service Orders
Partial Convert / Delivery - to pickup and pay for just a few items on the layaway or order and leave the rest until later
POSitive Mobile - enables Windows Mobile devices to connect in real time to a POSitive database to do price lookups and simple orders
Recurring Invoices - generate successive identical invoices at scheduled times
Suspend Invoice - temporarily set an invoice aside while the customer leaves to get more products
Transaction Prompts - while invoicing capture additional information to be saved as part of the invoice or transaction and can be printed on the invoice if desired
Touch Screen - fully customizable touch screen layout to focus sales clerks on tasks - does not require actual touchscreen monitor
Voiding Transactions - process for voiding and possibly recovering voided invoices, orders, layaways, quotes.