The following are the Actions which can be selected for desktop buttons. (see more explanation under Pre-Defined Buttons)
None -
-Balance Register - (known as BALANCE REGISTER)
-Checkbook - opens the CHECKBOOK
-Create Pending - allows for creation of any type of pending transaction after selecting a customer by name
-Credit Card Manager - provides access to review of and settling credit cards through batching
-Customer Manager - (also known as CUSTOMER LIST)
-Customer Sale - creates an invoice for a customer by name
-Daily Sales - (also known as DAILY SALES SUMMARY)
-Department Manager - opens the department / category listings for additions and editing
-E-Commerce Manager - opens the setups and retrievals of e-commerce orders
-Employee Manager - opens the employee listing
-Exit Manager Mode -
-Gift Card Manager - opens the listing of all issued gift cards
-Inventory Manager - opens the Inventory Center
-Invoice History - (known as INVOICE HISTORY)
-Label Manager - opens the Labels List for printing labels of selected inventory items
-Log In / Log Out - (also known as LOGOUT)
Loyalty Programs - also known as FREQUENT BUYER
-Marketing Manager - opens the tools for e-mail marketing, customer label printing and customer information export
Open Register - (also known as OPEN CASH DRAWER)
-Pending Transactions - opens the listing of all types of pending transactions
-Purchasing Manager - opens the Purchase Order Center
-Quick Sale - creates an invoice for a non-specified customer
-Report Manager - (also known as REPORT CENTER)
-Return - (also known as RETURN FROM INVOICE)
Run External Program - launches other software programs and then returns to POSitive when closed
-Take AR Payment - (also known as MAKE AR PAYMENT)
-Time Clock - (known as TIME CLOCK)
-Touch Screen Editor - opens the designer for touchscreen layouts and button functions - requires a 1280x1024 monitor
-Vendor Manager - opens the Vendor Center (see Vendor Center)
-Voids Manager - opens the listing of all voided invoices and voided pending transactions (List of Voids)