Lists inventory items needing to be ordered from vendors. Includes SKU, description, quantity on hand, minimum stock and minimum order settings, suggested number needed, calculated quantity to order, cost, and vendor selected.
Order List:
Purchasing: Order List Management: Print List
Once the Order List is generated, you can choose to Print the list in various ways. Sorted by SKU, Description Vendor, Committed, or Location. And also Print locations of items and group items by location
List Order - not sorted, prints in order of addition to the list
SKU - sorts alphabetically first by numbers then letters
Description - sorts alphabetically
Vendor - sorts alphabetically, all items are listed together for the same vendor
Committed - sorts numerically by number of items on customer pending transactions
Location - gives the title of the location and all items which are assigned to the location
Group By Location - the focus is on the locations which are printed alphabetically and each inventory item assigned to the location will be grouped together. (see Stock Location )
•Items with more than one location will list only the first location on the locations list.
•Items not assigned to a location will be printed first and grouped under the title "Not Assigned"
Do Not Print Item If Location Not Assigned - ignores items which are not assigned to a location.
Print Location - if you do not "Group By Location" this option will print the item's location on a separate line below the item. Leaving this option unchecked will make the printout more streamlined.
The report includes the following information
SKU, Description/Location, Quantity On Hand, Minimum Stock, Minimum Order, Needed, To Order, Cost, and Primary Vendor