AR transactions cannot be deleted nor edited. To make necessary corrections, one must add an offsetting transactions to a customer's AR List.
EDIT Transaction
If you attempt to edit a record which is outside of the current statement preriod, you will see the following message.
In this case, you cannot make a change to the record but must ADD an offsetting record.
ADD Transaction
In this example, a finance charge is being manually added to a customer record. It was created by choosing Add.
TYPE - Each AR transaction must be one of three types.
CHG - Charge
CRD - Credit
FIN - Finance Charge
STATUS - The status of an AR must be one of three options
Open - A balance is still pending.
Closed - The balance has been paid or offset.
Processed - The balance has been offset and will no longer be included on the AR statement.
Sales ID - The employee who authorized the AR transaction.
Transaction Date - The date of the original invoice. Adjusting this date will affect the AR aging status.
Date Due - The calculated date on which final payment is due.
Amount - The total applied to AR.
Terms - The payment terms in effect at the time of invoicing.
Comment - This field should NOT be left blank because this phrase will be printed on subsequent AR statements as the customer's only explanation of the entry. You should describe the reason for creating this offsetting entry.