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AR Payment

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Accepting Payment Towards Accounts Receivable

Full or partial payments can be received towards outstanding invoices.  The AR Payment window will display a customer's outstanding invoices listing the oldest invoice first.  Generally, payments are made towards the oldest invoices first, however, you can choose to apply payments to specific invoices and also use specific store credits for specific invoices.

Handling Multiple Checks: POSitive does not allow for multiple checks to be recorded in the same transaction. If a customer has mailed you multiple checks, do not attempt to enter the total of all checks.  Process each check payment separately.  If you choose to use Unapplied Credits in payment, process that payment separately from any other payment.

Click here to watch our AR Payment Processing video.

How To Accept AR Payments

Fast AR Pay

How To Accept Third Party Payments

How To Use Unapplied Credits To Pay AR Charges

How To Use a Specific Store Credit To Pay A Specific AR Charge


Explanation Of Screen Layout

In the AR Payment window you see the following information and options.

Customer Name - to assure that you are viewing the appropriate customer.

Payment Post Date - Today's date, but you may choose an earlier date if you are trying to match the customer's date on the check to the payment date.

Unapplied Credit - The amount of store credit owed to the customer.  The amount displayed here can be used in payment of outstanding debts.  The Unapplied Credit amount comes from using the Advance Pay feature, from a refund after returning product, as an award through Frequent Buyer, or because of a manually entered credit transaction in the AR Detail screen. Refund Credit To issue this store credit to the customer as a refund, you can choose to sell a gift card for the amount or issue a check as payment.  Go to Management: Check Refunds.  Add the customer and enter the value of the store credit.

Total Due - The sum of the Balance amounts listed in the listing of debts.

Total Paid - The sum of payments being applied when the tender is processed.  This amount will equal the amount entered under Auto-Pay, or it will be the sum of the entries in the Payment column above.  This will be 0.00 until you use one of the options described above to take AR payment.

Outstanding Debts Listing - A list of all open transactions are listed.  For each open invoice the following information is displayed.

Transaction - This is usually the invoice number.  A reference number for other than an invoice may be generated by POSitive under special circumstances


Type - CHG = charge  FIN = finance charge

Date - the date of the invoice or transaction

Terms - the term of payment assigned to that invoice or transaction

Due Date - The date payment is due in full according to the terms of payment set when the invoice was processed.

Original - Amount of the original charges.

Paid - Amount of payments received towards this invoice if the invoice has not been paid in full.

Disc. Taken - automatically applied discounts generated by the Terms of Payment. To remove this discount value, choose "Enter Discount" and enter a negative amount to offset this value.

Discount - Amount of a discount applied towards this invoice.  It would have been entered using the "Enter Discount" button in the lower right of the screen.  (see explanation for Enter Discount below)

Balance - The amount currently due for the highlighted invoice.

Payment - The amount being applied towards the balance due of the highlighted invoice.


Invoice Number - The invoice number of the highlighted transaction is displayed in the bottom left to serve as a reminder.


Enter Payment - The Payment field of the highlighted transaction will be filled in with the balance due.  TIP: Simply pressing Enter on the transaction will do the same thing.

Enter Discount - Before processing a payment, you may choose to enter a discount on the highlighted transaction.  Your reason for discounting could be as a reward for early payment, as an incentive to pay off a long overdue bill, to offset accrued finance charges, or any other reason.

1)  Click on Enter Discount.

2)  Enter a dollar amount to be deducted from the total of the transaction.  

NOTE: this discount must be used immediately as you receive a payment.  Making an entry here will not be retained for future use.  As an alternative, you could manually add a store credit as the discount value and apply it at any time in the future.

3)  When payment is made towards the invoice the discount amount will be deducted from the total due.

NOTE:  The way to reverse discounts applied in error is to select the Enter Discount button again and enter 0.00.

Take Tender [F10] - After you have tagged and/or determined the amount to be paid on which invoice(s), press F10 to accept the payment and indicate the type and amount of payment tendered.  (see Confirm Payment)



Auto-Pay Tagged

A) This SmartFeature will distribute the total payment received over the oldest invoices until the balance is fully distributed.

(1)  Click on Auto-Pay.  

(2) POSitive will prompt you to enter the total amount of the payment.  (If the customer is paying with multiple checks, do not combine checks or tender types.  Process each one separately.)

(3)  Choose OK [F10].  Payment will be applied to the oldest, top-most, invoices first.  If there is a balance remaining it will be applied to the next oldest invoice, and so on.

(4)  Press Take Tender [F10] to confirm payment is being made and then enter the tender type and print a receipt.

Advance Pay

This SmartFeature accepts payment in advance of a purchase.  When a purchase is finally made, the funds are already available as store credit to tender payment.  This option is especially useful in youth camps or other institutions where frequent exchanges of money is discouraged.

1)  Click on Advance Pay. POSitive will prompt you to confirm that you want to initiate an advance payment.

2)  Enter only the amount to be applied as advance payment.  For example, if you are tendering a $100 check but only making an advance payment of $90, enter 90.00 because it is the amount to be applied as advance payment.  If the cash or check is OVER the planned advance payment, you will be prompted with the amount of change to make.

3)  Highlight the tender type.

4)  Press Enter and the amount of the advance payment will be entered.  If necessary, change the amount to the actual amount being tendered.

5)  Press Enter to process the transaction.

6)  You may choose to print a receipt or not.

7)  Change due the customer will be displayed.  Select OK. POSitive will then close the AR Payment screen.
Note: The advance pay credit will be displayed in the Unapplied Credit field at the top of the screen when this screen is opened again. General Ledger Entry

If an Advance Pay needs to be refunded see: Refund Advance Pay

Other Actions

AR Detail - Opens the complete list of AR Transactions.  (see AR Transactions)

Print Statement - will print an AR Statement for this customer only.

View Invoices - will open a filtered list of Invoice History showing invoices for this customer only.

Mark Tagged As Uncollectable - If you have determined that you will never be able to collect this debt, or if you want to nullify the charges, you may mark a transaction as uncollectable.  It will be removed from the customer list and reported to the Uncollectables report.  

Note about Taxes: marking an invoice uncollectable does not automatically alter your sales tax report nor does it give you a tax credit, but there is a method to do so. see Steps