After you have prepared the list of e-mail addresses you need to compose your e-mail message.
1) Click Edit EMail, enter a Subject, one which will catch your customer's attention and not just ignore your message.
2) Type your message. Remember to use your best manners and marketing skills. The built-in Editor gives you basic set of tools to use. You may also compose your message with some other program, such as Word and copy and paste into the Editor screen.
You should always have the following information at the bottom of your e-mails so that you cannot be accused of spamming.
Include your company name, address, phone number and an "unsubscribe" statement which will indicate they are receiving the e-mail because they gave you permission and the option to be taken off of the mailing list.
RightMouseClick - For editing purposes, clicking the right mouse gives you the following options. Undo, Cut, Copy Paste, Delete, Select All.
3) Save your message by click OK, and it will be stored along with the mailing list as part of that Event.