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Inventory Labels - Overview

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This is a listing of inventory for which labels need to be printed.

How Items Get To This List

Automatically - When receiving inventory from a purchase order.  An option, "Add To Label List," of the inventory item or of the category defaults to which the items is assigned, will automatically add received inventory quantities to this list.
Manual Selection - Individual items can be manually added or sent to this list from a variety of screens.  On this screen, choose the Add button.  On the Inventory List of all inventory lookup, the Menu [F12] offers a "To Label List" option. Make sure to select Default Batch when adding items manually.
The Import Items button on this screen creates a query to select groups of items to be added to this list.  For example, you could import all items from a specific vendor or all items belonging to a category..
Re-selection from the Processed Labels view of this screen can re-print labels.



Tag/Untag, Tag All, Untag All - checkmarks entries in the list.  This is a filter or confirmation process so that subsequent actions such as Print Labels or Delete will be applied only to those items checkmarked.  Note: To Print Labels you MUST tag the items first.

Add - add another item to the list of labels

Edit - edit quantity of labels to print for highlighted item

Delete - inventory items in the list.


VIEWS (Tabs)

Labels To Print (view)  - Labels waiting to be printed either en masse or selectively.

Processed Labels (view) - Labels which have recently been printed.  You may choose to reprint specific labels from this list.

Steps For Printing Labels

1) Add items to list as needed.  Add items per piece using the ADD button or use the Import Items and/or Import Promo Action buttons.

2) Mark items to be printed at this time by using the Tag/Untag buttons.

3)  (Optional)  Assign Serial Numbers.  (See Serial Numbered Labels.)

4)  Select Printing Options at the top as needed for:

Verify Pricing - Before printing the labels, you may want to Verify Pricing or review the current prices of each item.  You will see the cost, current price and markup.  You can edit the cost and/or pricing or accept it as is.
Preview Labels - Print the labels to the screen.  If you want to be sure the labels will be printing the correct information you may first preview them.  Then from the preview screen, you can send the list to the printer.
Promo Pricing Price Level - When choosing to print labels for inventory on special promotional pricing, choose the price level (1-6) to be used. Note: First purge the current list.  Then Import Promos and set the promo pricing level.

5) Sort By SKU / Description - If you are printing a large number of labels, you may want them to be printed in sequence by SKU or Description so that you can match them to product readily.

6) Change Tagged Quantity - You may tag a single or multiple items and change the quantity of labels to print to the same number.  

7) Re-Assign Label Type [F5] - Inventory items are assigned to a label type based on category defaults. However, you may need to temporarily change to a different label type. Take the item(s) you            need to change, click the Re-Assign button and select a different label type. (TIP: To make permanent label assignments, edit the item, or use Category - Reset Inventory To Defaults.)

8) Print Label(s) [F7] - This will print labels for all tagged items.

9) Print Batch(es) - This will print labels for all items in a selected batch.



Import Promos - If you have set promotional pricing for some inventory, you may import those inventory items and print labels which will reflect the promo prices.

Import Items - Activates a query for selecting inventory to be added to this list.  If you have considerable inventory for which you wish to print labels, you may use the Import Items option to select groups of items based upon category, stock counts, SKUs, vendors, or any other listed means of identification.  This is especially useful if you are in the initial stages of POSitive usage.   Note: POSitive will only import items with a stock count of one or greater.

hmtoggle_plus1How To Import Items Into The Label List

1)  Click on Import Items

2)  Choose Create a New Query

3)  Select a field to evaluate.  Some of the possible options are In Stock Quantity, Department, Item Category.  Click Next.

4)  Select an operator.  For example, if you want all items with a Stock Quantity then choose Is Greater Than.  Click Next.

5)  Enter a value.  For this example, enter a zero (0).  Click Next.

6)  Choose Finish.

7)  You may choose to save the query if you anticipate using it again.


Another way to change the number of labels to print for an item is to tag it and select Edit.


Processed Labels

This view displays all labels which have been printed in earlier batches. The main function of the list is to quickly recover labels to be re-printed because of a print jam or some other error. If this list gets too big it can slow down label printer. So, it is recommended that you open this screen and purge the list frequently by selecting Tag All and then selecting Delete.


How To Re-Print Inventory Labels

1)  Choose the Processed labels view

2)  Tag the items to be re-printed. You may tag a Batch or individual items.

3)  Choose "Return Tagged To Active"  The items will be removed from this list and will appear back on the Labels To Print List.

4)  Return to the Labels To Print view and follow the steps for printing the labels again.