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Import AutoQuotes

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AutoQuotes is a third-party, cloud-based catalog and quotation application for the foodservice equipment industry.  It provides exceptional tools for finding and quoting thousands of products.


POSitive can import any AutoQuote saved as a .JSON file and retain the integrity of the file so that a printout from AutoQuotes and a printout from POSitive will look the same.  In addition, products, vendors, and customers on the AutoQuote which are new to POSitive will be added automatically.


This "Import AutoQuotes" feature saves time and eliminates transcription errors.


There is a one-time import setup for handling new inventory and customers.


The actual import process consists of

1) selecting the desired .JSON file for import

2) confirming the vendors on the AutoQuote are properly linked to POSitive's Vendor List

3) confirming the products on the AutoQuote are new or existing POSitive products.

4) confirming or selecting the correct customer record.


Once the imported file becomes a POSitive Quote, then the quote is moved through processes for ordering products from the respective vendors and invoicing and delivering the products to the customer.