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AQ Import Setups

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These are the recommended settings and will likely never need to be changed.


Go to Maintenance: Import: and select Import AutoQuotes

Select the "cogwheel" and select Customer Setup and Inventory Setup to make changes


Customer Setup

These settings will be applied to *new* customers added to POSitive via the AutoQuote Import.  Once the customer is added to the Customer Center, these default settings can be changed if desired.



 Default Customer Type = Computed (or your choice)

 Default Tax Group = Cash Sale Default

 Default Price Code (level) = 2

 Default Terms = NONE (or your choice)

 Default Category = DEFAULT (or your choice)



 Duplicate Action = "Do not update; leave existing information"


Inventory Setup

Costs = checkmark all "update" options (except Imported Price Includes Tax)


 Other visible options = leave UNCHECKED

      "Import as Unposted,"

      "Verify Cost/Price Changes Before Committing"

      "Show Linked Only"


 Vendor ID = (leave this blank)

 Default Department and Category (your choice)

(Note: ALL inventory imported from AutoQuotes will *not* be categorized.  All inventory will be assigned to the category designated here.  After the import is completed, you will want to re-assign the items in this category to other appropriate categories.  An inventory item can only be assigned to one category.)

   Click on the Choose Dept/Category [F5] button

      Select a desired category (or create a new one for selection)


Update Options

 Select "If item already exists in Inventory, update even if Description is different"

 Select "Add/Update Imported Items To Vendor Inventory List"


User Define (leave All blank)

Numeric Format (leave All blank)

Matrix (leave All blank)

SKUs (leave All blank)