Various tools are available in POSitive which enhance invoicing
•Transaction Notes - allow you to add special customer viewable notes to Invoices, Orders and Quotes.
•Age Verification - assure that restricted products are sold only to adult individuals
•Check Validation - stamps the backside of checks for bank deposit
•Credit Card Processing - integrates credit card verification and authorization with the POSitive invoice
•Coupon Manager - applies qualifying discounts to purchases when a coupon is presented
•Customer Receipt Options - choice of various forms and option to print items purchased in a sorted order
•Equation Editor - enhances inventory sold by dimension and at the invoice screen makes computations easy
•Locating Inventory - special steps for finding inventory for an invoice or for a customer
•Frequent Buyer - rewards customers for purchases made
•Gift Receipt - makes returns of items received as a gift accurate and simple
•Gift Registry - tracks a customer's wish list
•Handling Customer Returns - quickly accepts products being returned and makes updates to inventory
•Inquiry - (Price Lookup, Gift Certificate Status) - check on the price of an item, Buy Now, and status of Gift Certificates
•Mix & Match Manager - defines which inventory qualify for price breaks within a special pricing group.
•Package Pricing - group inventory items and give them one package selling price
•Portable Scanners - a data collector compiles barcodes for automatic entry into an invoice, order, or gift registry
•Promo Manager - creates special "Sale Events" for inventory
•Recurring Invoice - create a repeating invoice to charge for the same service or items every set number of days
•Repeat Rewards - a third party program for awarding customers for making purchases
•Selling Prompts - a line note generated when selling from a specific category