Begin at the Purchasing Master Menu by selecting "Order List Maintenance"
If you have created new inventory while preparing a customer order or invoice, those items are considered unposted items and need to be edited. (see Edit Unposted Inventory Items)
Whenever you open the Order List, you will be prompted to update the Order List.
Select an Order List Option
•Update Current List [F2] - The items on the list will be retained and additions made as necessary. This is a safe method for making the list current because you will not lose items which were manually entered.
•Delete Old, Generate New [F3] - The items on the list will be erased and an entirely new list will be generated. WARNING: You will lose any items added manually to the list.
•Delete Entire List [F4] - The items on the list will be erased. You can manually add items to the list without being distracted by other items to be ordered.
•Create List For One Vendor [F5] - This will allow you to compile a list of items needed from one particular vendor. All items needing to be ordered which this vendor carries will be added to the list even if the item has a different vendor assigned as the primary vendor.
•Leave As Is [F10] - Makes no changes to the current list.
The Build Order List option under Actions on the left allows you to access this Options screen again as needed.