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Invoicing (tab)

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(Backorder & Fast Add)

When you are creating an invoice, order, layaway, service order, or quote and you need to access the inventory list, POSitive will use these settings.

Default Item Lookup

When creating a sales transaction and you choose to lookup inventory, the items will be initially displayed in this selected sort order.  Sort by Description is most commonly used because sales people know the name of the item rather than the SKU of the item.  Choose one.



Invoice Prompt Behavior When Negative Stock is ON

If you have activated, "Allow Backorders on Invoice" (Invoice Setup) and "Allow Sales of Items Before Receiving...(Negative Inventory)" then when creating an invoice and selling an inventory item which is out of stock, POSitive will prompt you in one of three ways.  It is assumed that the product is in hand, that the customer can take the item at time of invoicing.

Item Is Always Here (skip prompt to backorder) - POSitive will automatically flag the item being sold as "Pre-sold."  When the next purchase order is received, the PO received quantity will be reduced by the number pre-sold.  (See explanation below.)
Prompt Defaults to "It's Here" - POSitive wants to confirm that the item is truly in hand and that the customer will be taking the product at the time of invoicing.  The item will then be flagged as "Pre-sold."
Prompt Defaults to "Backorder It" - POSitive assumes that the item cannot be delivered.  When processing the invoice, you will be prompted to create a "special order" for the customer so that the product can be delivered later.

Fast Add Settings

Auto-Assign SKU When Using Fast Add -When adding new inventory while creating an invoice or order, you may wish to assign the SKU rather than accept a default SKU generated by POSitive.

If checked, you will be able to edit the generated SKU and replace it with a vendor SKU or one of your own design.  This will eliminate an extra step when posting inventory and save time by not having to look the item up again.  This is especially useful if you are also adding costs of the item.  The downside of checking this field is some loss of inventory control wherein store practices of SKU definition are vulnerable to change.
If unchecked, the SKU field cannot be edited while invoicing the item.


Enter Costs When Adding Inventory - When adding new inventory from the Register, you might find it convenient to be able to add the cost of the item as you are defining it.  Frequently you will know the cost of the item, having looked it up in a vendor catalog.

If checked, the cost field will be available.  If you do not know the cost, the field can be left blank and the cost entered at a later time.
If unchecked, the cost field will not be visible.  This might be a wise choice if you do not want sales staff to have access to it.


Department / Category of Fast-Add Inventory

Set Default Department/Category [F5]  - Inventory can be defined on-the-fly while creating a customer invoice, but the definition of the item will not be complete and must be edited later.  These added inventory items take on characteristics of the category selected here. Use the [F5] button to select or add the category you wish to use.

TIP: It is recommended that this "default" category be named UNPOSTED so you will know which items need to be edited further and reassigned to a more useful category.


Auto Assign Dept/Catg (cannot be changed when adding) - Selecting this option provides more control by preventing anyone from assigning the item to a different category while invoicing.