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Getting Started - The Basics

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Most likely your dealer has done all the background work for you and you can skip this information.

Install POSitive

There is a single Master Installation File for POSitive For Retail, POSitive For Business, Green Enterprise Manager (GEM) and POSitive For Restaurant Equipment (PFRE).

Currently the Master Installation File does not include the MS SQL database, so if used for a new installation you must be familiar with installing MS SQL separately.

A current maintenance key is required in order to run the installation file. The key also determines which product is activated, the number of user licenses and optional modules. If you do not have a current maintenance key you will need to purchase or renew a software maintenance subscription (SMS) in order to get one. Please contact your dealer or the POSitive sales department to purchase.

The installation program which will create the needed directories, sub-directories, program files and support files.  It will create a shortcut on the computer desktop for launching POSitive.   The whole process is automated; follow the directions on screen. Please contact your dealer or POSitive support for more information.

Create Your Own Company

A special database for your company needs to be created.  It will eventually contain a listing of all of your customers, employees, inventory, and vendors.  It will also track all sales transactions, purchases from your vendors, and generate useful reports.  You have two options:

Starting From Scratch  - A new company wizard will guide you through each step of the process.  At the outset, there are some things you will need to know, but you may make corrections to these initial selections at any time in the future.  (see Creating Your Company)
Migrating POSitive data - If you are already using a POSitive product you do not need to start from scratch. Older versions of POSitive Retail Manager, GEM or POSitive For Restaurant Equipment may simply be upgraded and your data will remain. For POSitive for Windows there is a process to convert all of your current data to POSitive (SQL).  This conversion may take many hours to complete, but you will save much time and retain the historical information for generating useful reports.  Contract your dealer for information.


A current maintenance key is required in order to run the installation file. The key also determines which product is activated, the number of user licenses and optional modules. If you do not have a current maintenance key you will need to purchase or renew a software maintenance subscription (SMS) in order to get one. Please contact your dealer or the POSitive sales department to purchase.

Activate System and Station Settings

If you are new to POSitive, this is an important area for management to review because it reflects your business style and practices.  These settings will control how POSitive is to be used for making sales and purchases and granting employee access to features of POSitive.

Station Setting options are hardware related to assure that printers, scanners, and cash drawers are performing properly from each computer workstation.  Preferences for operations at the station are also defined.

Using POSitive

Now what?  Initially there are no customers, or inventory, or vendors, or anything else in this new installation of POSitive.  We suggest that you take time to experiment using some sample company data, or follow these suggestions to get a better feel for the POSitive program. If you have questions, ask your dealer.  Consider joining some on-line classes.

We also have a growing library of videos that explain many of the features in our software, such as setting up a workstation or creating a sale. Click here to view them.

Create Some Inventory

Most importantly and by far the biggest project is the creation of your inventory list.  This should done right away; as systematically as possible.  In this manual you will learn how to create a few inventory items to teach you the concepts.  Some tips and tricks for speeding up the work will also be introduced.

Make A Sale

What the clerk sees on screen, how items are added to the invoice, and what to do to meet special needs of invoicing are important setup and training issues.  This is an adjunct to Station Setting options discussed earlier.

Learn How To Process Purchase Orders

Placing and receiving purchase orders automatically updates your stock counts.  There is a smooth flow from determining what to order, contacting the vendor, and receiving products as they arrive.