This is a journal of all processes which have affected this inventory item. The most current activity is listed at the top.
It records when the item was created, how often and by whom it is edited.
Stock counts are changed by purchase orders, sales, and manual stock adjustments. The "Quantity" is not a running total, but rather the impact made on the total in stock. Exporting this transaction log to a spreadsheet allows you to enter a formula to see how actual stock counts changed.
The primary purpose of this log is for review only. You can choose the Send To button to export this information to Excel, HTML, or another type of document.
Typical Transaction Log entries are:
Item Created - the first entry of the transaction log
Item Changed By - the item was edited by the named staff member - it does not record if any changes were made to the item or it's settings
Placed Purchase Order - item was added to a purchase order
Received PO from - item was received, stock counts increased
Cost Adjusted - the purchase order was edited to change the cost of the item after the purchase order had been received
Added to Order# - the item was added to a customer sales order
Sale Invoice# - an invoice sold the item and reduced the stock count by the quantity on the invoice
Stock Adjustment - manually choosing the Verify/Adjust button records the "corrected" stock count
Full Inventory Verify - the item was analyzed by POSitive during an Inventory Verification process