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Sample Item History

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Item History - displays when the customer last purchased this item, how many were purchased, and at what price.  It also displays the current selling price of the item and the previous selling price with a button to select the prior selling price in lieu of the current selling price.  Also, the LastCost of the item is display embedded in a prefix and suffix to disguise the cost as an "Item Code"

(see Pre-Defined )

Invoice Style Button

Go to Maintenance: Definitions: Invoicing: Invoice Buttons and choose "Invoice" at the bottom left.  Then find a button row to add Item History to.  Color the button as desired.

Register Style Button

Go to Maintenance: Definitions: Invoicing: Invoice Buttons and choose "Register" at the bottom left.  Then find a button row to add Item History to.  Color the button as desired.

Touchscreen Style Button

Go to Maintenance: Definitions: Invoicing: Touchscreen. Select a page and use Controls tab to drag Item History to the desired location.  Resize and Color the button as desired.

The purpose of "Item History" is to give the sales person information about the customer's previous purchases of this one highlighted item.  While in an invoice or pending Order, highlight the item and choose the "Item History" button on the Invoice Button Bar.  

A list of all invoices for this customer with this item on it is displayed.

Note, this button is not valid on a QuickSale invoice; it must be a customer sale and you will be prompted as such.


Last Purchase Price

In addition to seeing the history of purchases of this item, one can also see the last selling price and choose "Use Last Price [F2]" button to change the selling price on the open invoice / order to the last purchase price.

Item Code

The Item Code is a disguised "Last Cost" of the item so you can know your cost before you change the selling price of the item.  In the above example, the cost is $200.00.

The "disguising" of the last cost is done by adding a prefix and suffix of your choice.  Go to Maintenance: Inventory: Pricing tab.  Activate the option "See Item Code In Customer Item History," and add a prefix and/or suffix.  The use of numbers and letters (upper/lower case) is allowed.


Current Rules

The Item History button is available on Touchscreen, Invoice Style, and Register style screens.
It will not work on a QuickSale invoice.
If an inventory item is added to an Order, the displayed LastCost (Item Code) will be from that date when the item was added to the order.  If there has been a manual change to the last cost field or if a purchase order has been received which changed the LastCost field the ITEM HISTORY button will NOT display current last cost (Item Code) values.  One must delete the item from the Order and add it again in order to see the most current last cost (Item Code)
Items with a cost with 4 decimal places may display a decimal.