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Suggested Accessories For:

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Some inventory items require an additional item or are complemented by other inventory items.  With POSitive you can select these accessory items to popup to remind the clerk to offer them to the customer.  This is an excellent way of increasing sales.

Types of Linked Inventory

Suggested Items

As the clerk adds a computer game to an invoice, a popup window can remind the clerk to suggest a joystick or a mouse pad with wrist rest.  The item(s) can be selected or ignored.

Tag Alongs

As the clerk adds a printer to the invoice, a printer cable is automatically added to the invoice because without it the printer isn't of much use.  The tag along item can be deleted.  As another example, when selling bottled beverages, bottle deposits are automatically assessed for the number of bottles purchased.

Similar/Related Items (Web)

As a shopper on-line finds an item such as a book by a particular author, a link suggests that other customers who purchase the item are also interested in books by other authors.  (see E-Commerce, Account Wizard)

Tip: Successive Links - By assigning Links to successive items, one could create a "string" of selections.  Starting with the primary item, link it to another item.  Then used the linked item to link to additional items.

How To Assign Accessories

1) Highlight the primary item in the Inventory Center.  This item, when sold, will trigger sale of the linked items.

2) Select Stock Manager on the left and the Links tab at the right

3) Select the Accessory Manager button

4) On the far left, select the appropriate link type: Suggested Items, Tag-Alongs, or Similar/Related Items

5) Highlight and transfer item(s) to be linked using the center action buttons.

On the left hand side is a listing of ALL of your inventory. Tip: you can sort the list by SKU or Description. Use Locate field (Enter or CTRL-Enter) to find a particular string of characters.  Activate "Show Alternate SKU's," otherwise you will only be seeing the primary SKU.



Action Buttons

Between the left and right sections of this screen are four buttons

-- Right Arrow - adds the highlighted item on the left to the section on the right

-- Left Arrow - removes the highlighted item on the right from the section on the right

-- Up/Down Arrows - if more than one item is listed on the right, use these buttons to change the sequence order

-- Double Left Arrows - to remove all items from the left side.

Quantity Options

This defines how many of the linked item will be added to the invoice.

Use Fixed Quantity - fill in the value in the Fixed Quantity field below.
Fixed Qnty Times Main Item Qnty - fill in the value in the Fixed Quantity field below.
Use Main Item Quantity - ignores the value in the Fixed Quantity field
Fixed Quantity field - sets the number of linked items to be sold automatically.

Set Pricing [F6]

The selling price can be changed to a discounted amount, even to 0.00 making the item free.

When you have finished, select the Close button.

Making The Sale

When the item is selected on an invoice, you will be prompted with Accessories For: the item being sold.  Because this is a suggested item, you would ask the customer before selecting the item.


Use the space bar, mouse, or simply press Enter on an item to select the item for the invoice.  Note that the regular price and selling price are displayed as well as the current stock quantity.