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Open Cash Drawer

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Whenever you need to open the cash drawer do not use a key to manually open the drawer, but rather use POSitive to assure proper accounting.

On the Transactions master menu, choose Open Register.  (If the drawer does not open, check Station Settings: Devices: Cash Drawer.)

Note: By default anybody may open the cash drawer by clicking on Open Register. For security purposes you may wish to require a login before accessing this function. Go to Maintenance, Definitions, Employee Security Groups. Select each Security Group and go to Transactions. Make sure "Able To Test Cash Drawer" is unchecked. This will activate the login prompt when opening the cash drawer outside of a sale.


All activity will be reported to the Manager Log and will affect the balancing of the cash drawer.

To Remove Cash

Select Cash Out

Enter a Purpose

Enter the amount in the Cash Out field.

To Add Cash For Making Change

(Note: this may not be necessary if money is carried over from the previous Balancing Of The Cash Drawer.)

Select Cash In

Enter a Purpose

Enter the amount in the Cash In field.

To Cash a Check

Select Cash Check

Enter a Purpose

Enter the amount in both the Cash In and Cash Out fields.

Do Not Use Open Cash Drawer

When Invoicing - When you are making sales or taking deposits on layaways or orders, the cash drawer will automatically open at the appropriate time.
When Balancing The Register - At the end of the day or your workshift, you should balance the cash drawer.  This will open the drawer automatically and present you with a worksheet for accounting for monies collected.