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Lottery Tickets

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Lottery Tickets are a special type of inventory item.  Not only will you be selling lottery tickets, but you could also be paying out winnings.  For this reason, you will likely want to make such transactions easy to use and report on.

General Setup Recommendations

Create a Department/Category for lottery tickets.

This allows you to run reports about lottery sales and payouts separately from any other department or category.

Create an Inventory Item(s) to sell the lottery ticket.

The inventory item should be assigned to the Lottery category.  This item can be Generic and set to "Ask for Price" for different denominations of tickets.  Or you could create more than one Lottery ticket to reflect the program and actual selling prices.

-- Description: Lottery Ticket

-- SKU: LT (or whatever SKU you want to use)

-- Cost:  0.00

-- Price(s): 0.00

On the OPTIONS [F8] tab

-- Uncheck every option except "Item Is Active" and "Ask For Price" which will allow you to enter the value of the lottery ticket being purchased.

Create an Inventory Item to pay out winnings.

-- Description: Lottery Winnings


-- Cost: 0.00

-- Price(s) 0.00

On the OPTIONS [F8] tab

-- Uncheck every option except "Item Is Active" and "Ask For Price" which will allow you to enter the value of the awarded winnings.

On the DEFAULTS [F9] tab

-- Change the "Default Sell Quantity to -1.00 (minus one)

(Optional) Modify the Invoice Button Definitions

To save time, you can choose to use buttons for selling and making payouts of lottery tickets rather than having to scan items.  This is a bit more complicated to set up. but it is worth the effort.  (see Invoice Button Definitions)

How To Sell Tickets and Award Winnings

To sell the lottery ticket, create an invoice, type or scan LT, and enter the value of the lottery ticket.

To sell multiples of a lottery ticket, type the Quantity first, then a slash /, then LT.

To award winnings, create an invoice, type WIN and enter the value of the winning amount.  This will add the value to the invoice as a negative number (in red).  Tender the invoice and choose to payout with Cash.

How To Get Reports on Lottery Tickets Sold and Winnings Paid Out

Go to Report Center: select Sales Reports: select Department/Category.

Untag all departments and categories except for the Lottery category.

Run the report for any desired time period.