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Invoicing Features

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While creating an invoice, there are many features and processes to handle most every business need.


•        Annotations - make paragraph style notes about line items and general notes for the invoice

•        Backorder Releases - fill invoice backorders by 'borrowing' items from another customer's pending order

•        Barcode Scanning - accepts input of common keyboard interface barcode scanners

•        Button Bar Options - select commonly used items and activities from a button bar which you can define.

•        Calculate Quantity From Price - enter the selling price of the item and the quantity will be computed from the normal selling price of the item.

•        Commission Modifiction - re-assign commissions to sales staff

•        Coupon - accept coupon values

•        Customer Purchase History - view complete history of customer purchases and returns

•        Customizable Invoice and Screen Layout - select from a list of pre-defined forms and modify as needed

•        Deactivate automatic invoice printing - if you do not need to print invoices for every sale

•        Discounts - you may discount selling prices by a percentage on a line item basis or globally for all items on the invoice.  You may also choose to apply a dollars off discount to the invoice.

•        Display Line Item Tax - see how much tax is assessed a line item

•        FastAdd Inventory - add a new inventory item on the fly while creating an invoice or order

•        Foreign Currency - accept foreign currency in payment and give local currency in change

•        Fractional and Multiple Quantities - speed entry of odd quantities

•        Full and Contracted Views of Invoice - temporarily hide or reveal customer information

•        Gift Certificate Redemption - issue and honor gift certificates with value tracking

•        Global and Line Item Discounting - offer percent off and/or dollar discounts

•        HoldBack Quantities - choose to backorder and not deliver some items at the time of checkout for later delivery or pickup.

•        In Stock Status - review how many more of an item are available or on order

•        Inclusion of Special Notices - print extensive policy statements and special notification on every invoice

•        Inventory Add-On Prompting - reminders that the purchase of one item should be followed by other items

•        Invoice Transfer Delivery - (Multi-Site) process an invoice but transfer responsibiliity for fulfilling the invoice to another store or warehouse

•        Invoice Suspension - temporarily hold or permanently convert an invoice to an order or layaway

•        Item Count On Screen - shows total number of items on invoice

•        Item Picture On Screen - shows a picture of the item as it is invoiced to prevent price tag switching

•        Line Editing of quantity, price, discount - make changes as needed

•        Line Positioning - reposition items on invoice for readability or packaging purposes

•        Lock Items - prevent selected items from global discounting

•        Make AR Payments - without leaving an invoice, accept AR payments from other customers

•        Multiple Hot Keys - for adding and adjusting the invoice

•        Multiple Tender - accept payment by any combination of cash, check, multiple credit cards, and foreign money

•        Packaging - offer listed inventory at a package price with individual items not priced and optionally not showing contents of the package

•        Print Invoice On Demand - print or reprint an invoice from the Change Due prompt.

•        Price Breaks - multiple quantities of an item can be sold for an automatic price reduction

•        Profit/Cost Review - see your costs and cumulative profit while invoicing (password protected feature)

•        Promo Pricing - items with special promotional prices will be automatically sold at the price during the time period

       Prompt For Description - to modify the invoice description of a used item being sold to a customer
       Return Processing - record, verify authenticity, and accept return inventory for refund or replacement

•        Sales ID Tracking - review sales IDs of Cashier and Sale Originator

•        Serial Number Assignments - display serial numbers on invoice

•        Ship To Addresses - select from multiple ship to addresses for the customer

•        Switch printers on the fly - route the invoice to other designated printers

•        Tax Override - change an item on invoice to include or exclude taxation

•        Third Party Billing - apply full or partial amount to finance company or employer's account

•        Touch Screen - tender an invoice with touch screen monitor

•        Trade Ins - accept trade in items and reduce the charges on an invoice

•        Transaction Note - automatically include disclaimers or special information about an item when it is sold.

        Used Items - tracks trade in products separately from new items.


•        Weigh Scale - capture the weight of an item as the quantity field

       You Saved - enhance the customer receipt with a calculated You Saved total.