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Starting Ngrok from a Command Line

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POSitive Anywhere runs as a web service on your POSitive server and must have access to the internet. We use ngrok to form a secure tunnel to the ngrok cloud service which accepts traffic on a public address and relays that traffic through to the ngrok process running on your machine and then on to the POSitive Anywhere web service. ngrok monitors port 1130 and is a critical component of POSitive Anywhere. All the necessary settings happen in the background when you setup POSitive Anywhere. If you wish to learn more you can visit

If you are unable to connect to your POSitive Anywhere subdomain, or you are unable to send and receive text message, ngrok probably did not install and automatically start and run as a service. If you are unfamiliar with managing Window's service, contact your dealer or POSitive support. If you are familiar, check services and see if Ngrok is running. If not, you may start ngrok from a command line and run it as service. Execute it from the Anywhere folder, for example: C:\POSitive\PFB\Anywhere

ngrok service install --config ./ngrok.yml

ngrok service start