Use a barcode scanner and focus the beam of light over the barcode symbol to select the item being sold. If the barcode is not readable, you will be warned and a Locate Item screen will open.
Without leaving the invoice screen...Type the SKU and press Enter
If using
•Register Style: as you type the barcode you will see your keystrokes in the yellow scan field. Use the backspace key to make corrections. Then press Enter
•Invoice Style: there is no yellow scan field, but your keystrokes will be in the SKU field. If necessary, press the INSert key on the keyboard to get a blank line.
•Touchscreen: there is no yellow scan field nor will you be able to see what you are typing, but pressing enter will add the item. Alternatively, choose the "Enter SKU" button and choose OK.
If the SKU is not known or if the barcode is unreadable, you may open the Locate Item screen to search for the item. or to access the Locate Item screen.
If using
•Register Style: choose the Locate Item button at the top of the screen
•Invoice Style: press Enter or the INSert key
•Touchscreen: type any character and press Enter or choose the Inventory List button
If the customer is purchasing more than one of a specific item, there are two ways to enter multiple quantities of the item being sold.
Highlight the item already on the invoice. If using
•Register Style: choose the Adjust Quantity button. Do not click into the value field, just type a number for the new quantity and press Enter or [F10].
•Invoice Style: press Enter to get to the Quantity field. Enter the new quantity and press Enter or [F10]
•Touchscreen: choose the Adjust Quantity button, enter the quantity and choose OK.
First type the quantity and a slash, e.g. 4/, and then select the inventory item using any of the three methods explained previously..
Note: the / character serves as a "Quantity Separator" as defined in System Setup which may have been changed by management
If using
•Touchscreen: you could have a numeric keypad, in which case you do not need the "/" Quantity Separator. Enter the quantity and select the SKU.