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Touch - Pending Transactions

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A Pending Transaction is an Order, Layaway, Service Order, or Quote.  They contain products the customer wants to purchase, but they are being held until they are ready for delivery, at which time the pending transaction is converted to an invoice and the sale is finalized.

When working with the Touch Screen you must follow a sequence of steps to create, edit, and retrieve the pending transaction.

Step 1 - Create An Invoice

On the Invoicing screen you select the customer and add products to be purchased and held as a pending transaction.

Step 2 - Hold As Pending

Then you select the type of transaction desired.


Hold As Layaway - convert the invoice to a Layaway

Hold As Layaway


Hold As Order - convert the invoice to an Order

Hold As Order


Hold As Quote - convert the invoice to a Quote

Hold As Quote


Hold As Service - convert the invoice to a Service Order

Hold As Service

The number of the transaction will change from an invoice number to a Pending Transaction number

You may add additional products or modify existing inventory on this Pending Transaction.

Step 3 - Save Transaction

You MUST choose Save Transaction


Save Transaction - IMPORTANT - save pending type transaction and return to normal invoicing.

Save Transaction

You will be prompted to collect a deposit on the Pending Transaction.  Additional deposits can be applied later.


Take Payment - accept payment on a Pending Transaction

Take Payment

Step 4 - Recall Transaction

When you are ready to edit or convert the pending transaction,

1)  Choose to recall the desired type.


Recall Layaway  -  reopen Layaway a saved transaction

Recall Layaway


Recall Order  -  reopen Order a saved transaction

Recall Order


Recall Quote  -  reopen Quote a saved transaction

Recall Quote


Recall Service  -  reopen Service a saved transaction

Recall Service

2)  Highlight the desired customer transaction

3)  Choose Select


Search For Transaction

There are additional buttons which will help you find a specific Layaway.

Up and Down buttons move the cursor one line at a time

Page Up and Page Down buttons will move 3 lines at a time.

Search Name will sort the list by customer name Picture

When needing to find a specific customer this screen can search or scroll by name or customer account number.

1) Sort the List.  The same button called Sort By will toggle between the different options: by Name, Account, or Code..

2) The Search button will ask for input based upon the Sort type.  Type the beginning characters and choose OK.  The cursor will highlight the closest match.

3)  Use the Scroll buttons: Up, Down, Page Up and Page Down to highlight the desired customer.

4)  Once found, choose Select.



Search Reference prompts you to enter the Layaway number. Picture



Once the pending transaction is open, there are several actions which can be taken.  In addition to all the normal invoicing options of adding and removing inventory, changing customer billing or shipping information, or voiding the transaction, you can ...


Change Due Date - set pending transaction due date

Change Due Date


Take Payment - accept payment on a Pending Transaction

Take Payment


Void Transaction - to void current invoice (alternative - press ALT-V)

Void Transaction


Step 5 - Save Transaction / Convert To Invoice


Convert To Invoice - make a pending transaction and invoice

Convert To Invoice


Partial Convert - choose item(s) on a pending Order, Layaway to convert to an invoice, leaving the other items behind on the original pending transaction.

Partial Convert