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Sample Take Payment

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Take Payment - accept payment on accounts receivable

(see Pre-Defined )

Only when you have a Pending Transaction open will you be able to use this button.

You are prompted with the Full Amount Due filled in automatically.

Choose Clear [F7] to set the amount to 0.00 or just enter in the actual amount being paid as a deposit on the Pending Transaction


When you choose OK [F10] you will be able to select the tender type and process the payment.

Store Credit

If the customer has a store credit, you may choose to use all or part of the store credit towards the deposit.


Take Payment of Deposit

Store Account and Finance Company are not options for taking Deposits.


Payment Receipt

A deposit receipt will be printed listing all payments made towards this Pending Transaction as well as the balance still due.





Invoice Style Button - static button called TENDER [F10]

Already a part of the invoicing screen in the bottom right.

Register Style Button - static button called TENDER [F10]

Already a part of the invoicing screen in the bottom right.

Touchscreen Style Button - as described above