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Here are some terms used throughout POSitive which may be helpful in finding a needed feature..

TIP: Search the Help File for Topics containing the term Example

Here is a sample Glossary listing.

Let's assume you want to know more about "Accessories."



You can use the built-in Help program to discover which topics reference the word "Accessories".

1)  Run POSitive

2)  Go to Help and select the Help subtopic.  This will open POSitive Help

3)  Choose the "Search" tab

4)  Enter "accessories" and choose "List Topics"

In this example there are nine topics which have the word "accessories."  These topics are ranked in order of relevance or number of times the word is found in the topic.

5)  Highlight a topic and choose the Display button to read the topic at the right


While reviewing help topics relating to these terms, you will be able to more fully understand the concepts.


-- A --

Accessories - inventory items which are commonly sold with other inventory items; a part of e-commerce sales.  see Related Items.

Account Inquiry - a filtered report for activity on one General Ledger account

Active - an inventory item which will be displayed in the inventory list.  see Inactive.

Address Verification - a feature of credit card processing which confirms that you have an address for the customer paying by credit card.  This feature may decrease your processing fees.

Advance Setup - describes what needs to be done for some features of POSitive to be functional.

Advance Payment - monies taken as payment even before products and services have been identified are reserved for the customer as an Open AR Credit until invoicing is done.

Advanced Printing - POSitive can print special data to pre-printed forms upon the completion of an invoice.  This is a valuable feature if you have to complete government paperwork when selling items, like motorcycles or guns, that need to be registered.

Advanced Search - while invoicing, change the invoice ownership by entering the customer's lookup code, phone number, or Frequent Buyer number

Age Verification - a feature prompting the clerk to confirm that the customer is qualified to purchase select inventory items

Aging Report - Accounts Receivables over due in periods of days, 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, and over 90 days

Allow Backorders On Invoice - a setting assuring that items being sold on an invoice are actually in stock.

Allow Discounts - permits automatic reduction of selling price by an applied percentage either on the invoice or from a customer setting.

Allow Negative Inventory - an option to track items sold before being received into inventory; must be used with Allow Backorders On Invoice.

Alternate Info - a switch to activate use of additional information entered on an Alternate SKU.

Alternate SKU - an inventory item can be assigned more than one SKU.  The primary SKU will be printed on the customer invoice, but the alternate SKU(s) make finding the item easier.  These Alternate SKUs can be hidden when sorting the Inventory Center by SKU. This SKU is also used to sell multiple quantities of an item.  See Father/Child If the vendor has changed his product SKUs you can still find the item by its old an new product SKUs.

AR Aging - a report showing accounts receivables still due and how much is overdue.

Archive - a saved copy of POSitive program files and data

Assembly - a function of a Template wherein all items defined in the group are sold as one unit and the customer only sees the assembled description line and none of the components, yet the components are reduced automatically from inventory stock counts when the assembly is generated.

Assigned Register # - normally employees are assigned to station "0" which allows them to operate any workstation without changing computer defaults.  An employee who is assigned a station number, will be able to operate any workstation as if he or she is at that assigned station. See Employee File

Assigned Sales ID / Rep – an assigned employee to be credited for all customer transactions – territory assignments

Authorized Buyers - employees who are approved for making purchases, especially purchases placed on accounts receivable.

Auto-Generate Range - an automatic generation of serial numbers beginning with a starting number which you determine.

Auto-Replace - to substitute one inventory item on a customer order with another. This option appears when you attempt to permanently delete an inventory item from the Inventory Center which is currently on a customer order.  It will not allow you to delete the item, but you can select a comparable part number for the customer.   (see Inventory Item In Use)

AutoSKU - a feature of POSitive which can automatically create barcode numbers when adding inventory items.  This would not be used if your inventory products already have a barcodes.

Available - a number of inventory items in stock which are NOT reserved for a customer order in process.

Average Cost - the sum cost of items in stock divided by the number of items in stock.


-- B --

Backorder -   PendingwithBackordersyellow an inventory item on an order or invoice for which there is insufficient stock to fill the order or invoice.  Important system settings relative to backorders are "Allow Backorders On Invoice" and "Allow Negative Inventory."

Backup - to save current data in an unchangeable state so that if current data is lost or corrupted the saved data can be used to replace it.  Backups should be made daily.

Bad Checks - an option for recording NSF checks from a customer and automatically applying the amount of the check and any relevant fees to the customer's store account (accounts receivable).

Balance Forward - AR Statements - an AR Statement format which will print details of invoice charges and payment for the current time period.  The previous period will be reflected only as a balance forward amount.

Barcode - Although the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, the SKU is a series of numbers and/or letters to identity a product.  A Barcode is the product number printed in a series of dark lines or stripes which can be read by scanners or barcode readers.  This graphical pattern of lines representing various numbers and letters of the alphabet.   There are several barcode symbologies, and POSitive supports most of them.  We  find 3OF9 and Code 128 symbologies most useful.

Batch - a group of items processed at one time, such as recurring invoices or processed accounts payable.

Bin Location - a reference to a shelf or a section of the store where items are displayed (see Stock Location)

Browse Box - a screen designer allowing some modification of a window's contents.  Also known as a List Box.

Browser - an internet browser.

Bulk E-mail - sending a common e-mail message to multiple e-mail addresses.

Bulk Inventory - an inventory item which is purchased as one large unit and then packaged into smaller selling units.


-- C --

Calculated Selling Prices - the selling price which is computed from a category margin or markup over cost.  These can end in various static amounts.

Call Log - a record of calls made to a customer regarding a specific service order in process.

CarePoint® - a third party Windows-based pharmacy software program.  POSitive has a special interface for CarePoint users which will track prescription purchases.  By scanning the prescription number, POSitive will link to or add a customer in the customer list and link to or add the prescription product in the inventory list.

Cashier - the sales person who processed the invoice.  This is not necessarily the same as the Salesperson

Cash Sale / Quick Sale - an invoice created without a customer name attached.

Catalog Pagination - a technique of assigning catalog page numbers as alternate SKU's to quickly find inventory items based upon the catalog page number

Category - a classification to which like inventory is assigned.  See also Department.

Chart Of Accounts - a list of the names of income, expense, liability, and asset accounts that a company uses in keeping their books

Checkbook - POSitive's check register with the ability to print checks

Check Box - a small field on screen which displays a check mark or a dot when the option is selected.

Checks On Page - a checkbook feature designed to print a partial sheet of checks.

Check Validation - a type of printer to frank a check by printing bank account information on the back of a check

Clock In/Out - 1) employees can punch in and out to record hours worked.  2) service technicians may record start and stop times for working on a particular service order.

Clone - to make a copy of an invoice in invoice history as the basis of a new invoice.

Code - an identifying number or word; an ID

Color/Size Grid - a matrix or series of rows and columns of closely related inventory items.

Committed - number of inventory items on a purchase order which are designated for a customer order in process.  Tip: you may click on the word Committed (of the stock panel of Inventory List) to see customer orders.

Commission - to pay a percentage of a sale to the sales person.

Commit - a button which serves as a confirmation that the new changes will be applied to POSitive.

Common Path - the location of the POSitive executable files is usually C:\POSitive\PRMGEM

The Data directory is C:\POSitive\PRMGEM\dataX (where X is the data number).  However, be aware that your SQL data is not in this folder.  This is support data which is also very important.

Condition - the status of a used inventory item

Confirmation Number - an authorization number from a vendor.

Consignee - you, the storekeeper, who will be selling consignments.

Consigner (consignor) - the owner of the consignment item.

Consignment - an inventory item on loan which you agree to sell for another person.

Consignment Agreement - a signed document specifying the terms and conditions for the sale of consigned inventory.

Contacts - names and phone numbers of people associated with a business account or vendor account.

Contact Log - service technicians can keep a record of calls to customers regarding service work.

Contract / Expand - some lists such as the Department list can be set to show more or less detail.

Contract Pricing - a special type of customer invoice used to list items with special pricing for a customer.  Whenever an order or invoice for the customer is created, the price on the Contract will be select.  A Contract has an expiration date, after which normal prices will be in effect.  Deposits are never applied.  A Contract is NEVER converted to an invoice. Other types are Layaway, Order, Quote, Service Order, Internet Order, and Recurring Invoice.

Control Properties - settings and format of an element on a windows report.

Copy and Paste - a Windows procedure to highlight text, copy it (Ctrl-C) to the clipboard, and paste it (Ctrl-V) in another location.

Copy Record - to add a new inventory item by making a nearly exact copy of an existing inventory item.

Cost Verifier - a routine for reviewing costs of items sold and changing costs on invoices as needed.

Coupon Manager - a centralized listing of coupons which can be created and applied to invoices and orders.

Coupons – predefined discounts offered by manufacturer coupons or your own promotional coupons. Can offer dollar off or percentage off discounting with confirmation that the products are on the invoice.

Credit Amount - a dollar amount which you owe the customer.  This amount is part of the customer importer so that you can import customers with an "advance pay" status.

Credit Card Manager - a screen for executing reports or for tracking use of a specific credit card number.

Credit Limit - a maximum dollar amount allowed a customer for making accounts receivable purchases.

Cross Match - defining a relation ship between data in an import file and POSitive data fields.

Crystal Reports - a 3rd party software program which creates reports from SQL data.  Reports defined by Crystal Report Writer can be 1) attached to POSitive Report Center and run as needed, 2) sales transactions can be printed to a specially designed form  created by Crystal Reports.  see Reporter

Currency Symbol - since different regions use different monetary units, you can define which symbol to use in POSitive

Cursor - 1) the arrow or mouse marker, 2) the act of highlighting or selecting an object.

Customer Alert Message - an option on the customer list which acts as an alert to the cashier when creating an invoice for the customer.

Customer Category - a pre-defined classification of customers with automatic default settings used when add a new customer and when filtering reports.

Customer Contact Log - a record of calls made to a customer regarding a specific service order in process.

Customer Pre-Set Purchases - define one or more groups of inventory commonly purchased by a customer for fast inclusion on an order or invoice by using Alternate SKUs

Customer Rewards - see Frequent Buyer

Customer Sale - an invoice to a customer who has provided his name, address, and phone number.  (In a Multi-Site setting, customers added locally are "residents" and customers initially added at other stores are "non-residents."

Customer Sales Rep – an assigned employee to be credited for all customer transactions – territory assignments


-- D --

Data Collector - an electronic instrument for scanning barcodes and recording stock quantities.  This can be taken by the customer onto the show room floor and then downloaded into an invoice, quote, or order.  This can be used by staff to count stock on the shelf or items being received for a purchase order.

Date Range - a time period with a starting and ending date.

Day View - a calendar showing all service work to be performed on a specific day under the assigned service tech.  Changes are made by dragging and dropping or editing the appointment for a different time slot and technician.

Default - an automatic selection.  If you take no action, then the information will be filled in automatically.

Definitions - settings and choices for various parts of the program which you can create.

Delivery – an invoicing option for establishing delayed or alternate delivery of products.

Department - a classification to group multiple categories into one reporting unit.  See Category.

Deposits - money accepted in payment of a pending layaway, order, service order, or internet order.

Destination Taxation - products sold are taxed based upon the delivery address

Detail - a report option which lists all individual specifics to justify the grand totals of transactions.

Detail - (the middle section of a form)  For example, the product SKU, Description, and Price on a customer receipt.

Disassemble - see Product Break Down

Discard - a choice for handling inventory items returned by customers which removes the item from further processing.

Discount Days - a Vendor Term feature for recording the deadline number of days until discounts will no longer be valid with the vendor.

Discount Percent - a Vendor Term feature for the vendor who offers a  percentage discount for prompt payment.

Divisions - allow your company to monitor sales based upon internal accounting organizations (Divisions) such as Retail, Wholesale, Internet Sales, Service, etc.

Documents - an attachment of various types which can be stored and retrieved as needed.  These documents can be attached to customers, vendors, inventory, purchase orders, pending transactions, and invoices.

Document Manager - a screen for reviewing ALL documents saved in POSitive

Dot Matrix Printer - a type of printer which forms typed characters by striking through a ribbon to create patterns of dots.  Other printer types are Laser, Ink Jet, and Thermal.

Download - to get internet orders from Account Wizard or Yahoo Store

Drag And Drop - a technique in Windows of selecting an item with the LeftMouseButton and, without releasing the button, moving the mouse cursor to a desired location before releasing the button.  This technique is optional in POSitive, but it is a required technique when Defining The Import Setup and Assigning Pictures To Internet Inventory.

Driver - a program of sorts with instructions for operating a printer or other computer device.

Driver's License - a customer's driver's license number for authorization of check tendering.

Drop Ship - to have a vendor ship inventory items directly to your customer, but to bill you for the items.

Dump - to transfer information in a data collector to a file or to POSitive's data connection

Duplicates - the use of the same SKU, or ID, or number is not allowed and an error message will be displayed if it is attempted.

Duplicate SKUs - an option in POSitive Setup does allow you to create two or more inventory items which will all have the same alternate SKU, but not a primary SKU (checkmarked SKU).  When you attempt to sell that SKU, you will be shown all items sharing that alternate SKU and prompted to select the appropriate item for the invoice.


-- E --

E-Commerce - the ability to sell inventory on an internet web page

E-Mail - the ability to send transmit a copy of an invoice or order via e-mail.  This feature must be activated in the employee setup window.

E-Mail Marketing - to send an e-mail message or offer to all or a select list of POSitive customers.

Electronic Credit Card Capture - scanning and processing credit cards in payment for purchases.

Electronic Journal - POSitive can create a captured copy of every invoice as a text file. This text file can be printed if there are questions about invoices in POSitive Invoice History

Employee Name On Invoice – by default the employee’s name is printed on invoices, however, the employee can be protected by printing a code instead.

Encryption Key - a long series of apparently haphazard alpha-numeric characters used to disguise a credit card number

ESCape - a menu or option activated by pressing the ESC key on the keyboard.

Event Log - If POSitive encounters an operational error it is recorded in Help: Event Log and you can choose to print and fax it or e-mail it to POSitive Software Company.

Exclude Countries - printing of addresses can be deactivated for countries listed in this setup section

Extended Description - very detailed notes and selling points of a product as part of e-commerce.

Expand / Contract - some lists such as the Department list can be set to show more or less detail.

Export - to extract POSitive data into a file which can be used by other computer programs.  (see Send To)

Export PO - the ability to create a text file from a POSitive Purchase Order listing the items to be ordered from a vendor.  The text file is sent to the vendor, pre-formatted to meet the vendor's specifications of content and sequence.  This is very similar to EDI operations many businesses use.

Export To Excel - convert POSitive data directly into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

Extra - the number of inventory items on a purchase order which are not already pre-sold or on order for a customer (committed).


-- F --

Father/Child SKUs - uses an alternate SKU to sell larger than single units of inventory.  For example, sell a can of soda in packs of 6, 12, and 24.

Fast Add - a SmartFeature allowing for quick creation of an inventory item while creating a customer invoice.  The resultant item is considered Unposted.  See also Quick Add.

Field - a portion of a record, a space needing to be filled in.  See also Record.

Filter - a method of selecting specific data which has pass specific criterions or "filters".

Finance Company - third party billing option allowing you to transfer payment responsibility to an actual finance company or employer matching funds.  This is not to be confused with Store Account.

Fixed Commission - a set dollar amount to be paid in commissions when an inventory item is sold.

Fixed Price - a set dollar amount for selling an inventory item on promo.

Footer - (the bottom section of a form)  For example, the summary of the total purchase and policy statements.

Force Transaction - A forced credit card processing transaction is only to be used when the customer has received a valid approval code already, usually by phone from the Call Authorization Center from card issuing bank. But since a force transaction will always return an "approval", some people run these thinking they are all set, but ones sent without a valid approval code will charge back to the merchant.

Foreign Currency - money which is not of your own local denomination. While invoicing for cash payment, you can accept foreign currency calculated on the current exchange rate and give change back in your own currency.

40 Column Receipt Printer - a printer which uses rolls of paper like a cash register tape for printing invoices.

Freight - shipping charges; name of a special usage POSitive category

Frequent Buyer - special program rules for rewarding customer purchases with points or store credits Loyalty Program

Fulfillment Center - a listing of customer purchases pending pick-up or delivery


-- G --

Generic / Text Printer Driver - a printer driver added to the Windows Printers commonly used when printing invoices to a 40 column receipt printer.

GIF or JPG Files - formats of picture files which can be used for inventory, customers, and touchscreen buttons

Gift Card / Certificate - an inventory item with the SKU of GIFTCERT for the sale of gift certificates of all denominations which can later be used as tender for purchases.

Gift Card / Certificate Manager - an editable list of all gift certificates issued and status of those gift certificates.

Gift Registry - one way to use quotes.  A listing of inventory items in a quote which a couple would like purchased in their behalf.  It can be used to track which items have already been purchased for the couple.

GL Credit - GL Debit Account - a link to a general ledger account number.  This is optional and used only if you are tracking GL

Global Changes - a routine for changing selling prices of items en masse.

Global Pricing - 1) on a category level, it is a set selling price and permanently set cost for all items assigned to the category.  2) the ability to change pricing to all items assigned to a category or all categories.


-- H --

Header - (the top section of a form)  For example, the company name and customer identification portion of an order or invoice.  Also see Matrix Header.

Heading - the title of a column.

Held - a number of inventory items in stock which are reserved for a customer order in process.  Tip: you may click on the word Held (of the stock panel of Inventory List) to see customer orders.  While invoicing you may choose to release an item in reserve for another customer knowing that you can get a replacement by the time it is needed again.

Hidden Items - Inventory items which are sold through the use of a Kit are hidden from the customer who only see the name of the Kit. (see Kits)

History - completed or processed activities.

Hold Back - to force an in-stock item into backorder status on an invoice because you do not want to deliver the item at this time.

Hold Invoice As - to suspend the processing of an invoice and save the transaction for later as an order, layaway, or other type of transaction.

HotKeys - keystroke combinations to activate an option or feature of POSitive.  These hotkeys are usually visible on screen and use the Function keys, CTRL, SHIFT, and ALT keys in combination with numbers or letters.

HTML - Acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language, the language of the World Wide Web. HTML Editor allows you to type text displaying colors and formatting as it would be visible on a web page.


-- I --

Icon - a picture representing a POSitive activity or process.

InfoBar - A floating screen can show a variety of current and historical information about a highlighted inventory item.

In Transit - defective or unwanted inventory items which have been sent back to a vendor and are waiting for reply from the vendor

Item Specials - an e-commerce setting of promo pricing without necessarily changing the selling price.  POSitive Commerce automatically rotates item specials on the web page.

Images, Image File - pictures of inventory items can be displayed on screen for the customer to see when inventory is not in stock or for confirmation that the correct item is being sold.

Import - to transfer items or data into POSitive.  Typically, one would have a file containing data which is compatible with POSitive to be joined with POSitive data. While invoicing, a pre-defined list generated in a data collector of items can be added to a quote, invoice, or order.

Inactive - an inventory item which is not listed as available for selling during a season but which will not be deleted because it could be available later.

Inquiry - a lookup option for price check, gift certificate value, and age verification

Ink Jet Printer - a type of printer which squirts ink on a page as it prints.  Other printer types are Laser, Dot Matrix, and Thermal.

Installments - the ability to pay vendor invoice charges in monthly increments. POSitive will calculate the monthly amounts due.

Integrated Invoices - an option for printing AR Statements which include a listing of the inventory purchased.

Internal Mail Messages - a feature for sending messages to either individuals or groups of employees using POSitive.

Internal Note - a type of note on service orders for internal use only.  It is not printed with the service order nor shared with the customer.  It is for techs to keep notations about a product being repaired.

Internet Inventory - inventory items in POSitive which are marked and prepared to be displayed and sold through e-commerce on your web page.

Internet Mailing List - a customer setting to include the customer's e-mail address when sending mass e-mail messages.

Internet Order - a type of customer invoice used to list items a customer has selected from your web page and wants to purchase, but which have not yet been delivered.  Full payment by credit card or payment arrangements are automatically applied  An Internet Order MUST be converted to an invoice when the items are delivered to the customer.  Other types are Layaway, Order, Quote, Service Order, Contract Pricing, and Recurring Invoice.

Item Count - the number of items included on a customer invoice.

Items In Transit - inventory items sent back to the vendor and still awaiting return or confirmation of credit.

Items On Order - inventory items listed on purchase orders which have not yet been received into stock.

Iterations - the number of times an activity will be repeated; for example, batch processing recurring invoices.

Invoice Prompts - screens asking for additional information; set for general invoicing or specific categories - also called Prompts or Selling Prompts


-- J --

JPG or GIF Files - formats of picture files which can be used for inventory, customers, and touchscreen buttons

Journal Path - the computer directory where copies of invoices are saved as a text file

Justification - alignment on the left or right margin.


-- K --

Kit - a function of a Template wherein all items defined in the group are sold as one unit and the customer only sees the description line and none of the components, yet the components are reduced automatically from inventory stock counts when the kit is sold.  see Templates


-- L --

Label - a printed price tag or customer address to be affixed to an inventory item or mailing package.

Label Form - an ID number of a designed label.

Label List - a listing of inventory items for which pricing labels will be printed.

Landed Cost - the cost of an item with shipping charges factored in.

Large Text - a type of field found in Transaction Reports Editor for entering paragraph type text messages on the invoice.

Laser Printer - a type of printer which uses toner and heat to print.  Other printer types are Dot Matrix, Ink Jet, and Thermal.

Last Order Cost - your cost of an inventory item from the vendor; if costs fluctuate this was the cost of the item when you last ordered it.

Layaway - a type of customer invoice used to list items a customer has asked to be held until paid in full.  Usually scheduled payments are expected. Statements for layaway payments due can be printed. A layaway MUST be converted to an invoice when the items are delivered to the customer.  Other types are Order, Service Order, Intenet Order, Contract Pricing, and Recurring Invoice.

Leading Zeros - a series of zeroes added at the beginning of a generated SKU.  See AutoSKU.

Line Note - a text message as part of list of inventory items on an invoice, order, or purchase order.  These notes are easily added to an invoice by pressing CTRL-N or can be automatically added by an inventory item’s Transaction Note or the use of Tag-Alongs.

List Box - a screen designer allowing some modification of a window's contents.  Also known as a Browse Box.

Load Pic - to select a picture to be attached to an inventory item or customer record.

Locked - 1)   an item or entry is in use by another workstation.  If you know that that is not the case, then CTRL-U will unlock the item. 2) an item on an order or invoice can be locked with CTRL-L to prevent it from being globally discounted.  3) "package" lines are automatically locked requiring caution when making changes to the package.

Log - a listing of activities completed.  Invoices, for example have a behind the scenes log of changes of pricing, inventory items, and tendering methods made by the sales person / cashier.  If desired, this log can be captured and superimposed over video recordings.  see POSitive Guardian

Login - to enter sales id and password to gain access to pre-defined security permissions.

Logout - to exit POSitive and require next staff member to login thereby retaining appropriate security settings

Lookup - a listing from which a selection can be made; a customer list or inventory list are examples.

Lookup Code - an abbreviated identifier for the entry.  For the customer, this could be an “old” account number, phone number, or grouping code.

Lookup ID - the generated SKU of a used inventory item taken in on trade using Used Items Manager.

Lot / Batch numbers of products – tracks the source of an inventory item by assigning a special duplicate serial number to each item. This Lot/Batch number is included on the customer invoice and can be searched through Invoice History or the inventory item’s sales history.  see Allow Duplicate Serial Numbers


-- M --

Mail Group - a collection of employees to whom internal mail messages are simultaneously sent one message.

Main Console - the back office version of POSitive if also using Touchscreen interface

Mag Stripe Reader - a device for reading the magnetic stripe on a credit card.

Map - a street map showing a customer's location can be accessed from the Customer List if the computer is linked to the internet.

MapPoint - a third party software program used by POSitive to pinpoint customer locations and for delivery truck routing purposes (not available in all versions of POSitive)

Margin - the difference between the selling price and the cost as a percentage of the cost   A $10.00 item at 50% margin sells for $20.00

Markup - the difference between the selling price and the cost as a percentage of the selling price    A $10.00 item at 50% markup sells for $15.00

Master Category / Defaults - the fundamental setting used when new categories are created.

Master Store - one store of a Multi-Site group which controls inventory and operations of remote stores.

Matrix - a two dimensional grid consisting of rows and columns showing current stock counts of all sizes/colors of the particular style.  While invoicing, a sales person can easily identify if items are in stock. The matrix organizes and displays related inventory items which differ by size, color, style, or other characteristics.  A matrix is typically used for managing articles of clothing such as shirts, shoes, and hats or hardware such as furnace filters, light bulbs, nuts and bolts, etc

Matrix Definition - a standardized row and column title template for creating POSitive matrices.

Matrix Header  -  1) a set of row titles and column titles to be used when creating matrix inventory.  2) the master inventory item of a matrix, type M, to which multiple inventory items are linked.

Matrix Item - an individual inventory item created by and linked to the matrix header.

Maximum Stock - a stock count setting of the limit of stock to have on hand.  This is used in conjunction with Category options.

Merchant Code - an ICVerify code for running multiple companies through ICVerify software

Message - an option on the customer list which acts as an alert to the cashier when creating an invoice for the customer. This could warn of bad checks, account problems, or other issues.

Mfg ID - a code for a specific manufacturer

Mfg's # - POSitive supports this product identifying number used by a manufacturer.  Generally,this is NOT the actual Vendor SKU nor is it the UPC / Barcode of the item.  While invoicing, if you have made the Mfg# an alternate SKU then you can easily add the item to an invoice by entering the Mfg#.  Or, if you choose, you can search for Mfg# from the Locate Item screen.

MIMAGES - this is a folder name for storing images for Multi-Monitor use.  The folder may need to be created by you as a subfolder of C:\POSitive\PRMGEM\data1 or data2

Minimum Finance Charge - a set fee for accounts receivable processing.

Minimum Order - a suggested quantity of items to be ordered.

Minimum Stock - a stock count level which should be on hand for sale at all times.

Multi-Monitor - As an alternative to use of a Pole Display, POSitive can support two monitors; one that faces the cashier for ringing up the sale, and one that faces your customer. The customer's monitor can display a slide show, pictures or products being purchased, and messages.

Multiple Vendors  -  an inventory item which can be purchased from more than one vendor, is created only once in POSitive, but it can be linked to more than one vendor.  When the item is to be re-stocked, you may select any of the vendors who sell the product.  Your choice will likely be swayed by costs, speed in delivery, or reliability of the vendor.

My Country - is always 1.00000 and refers to the value of your local currency. Rates for foreign currencies will be a fraction expressed in decimal form of your currency..


-- N --

Non-Tracking Inventory: Non-tracking inventory is intended to be used for intangible items, such as labor, bottle deposits, restocking fees, etc.

Notes - (with spell checker - pressing F12 on the keyboard while editing a note field will activate a built-in spell checker)

    Line - a text message added among the inventory items on an invoice, order, or quote, etc. in explanation of the item or alternatives.  Also used on purchase orders.

    Invoice - a text message added at the top of an invoice, order, or quote, etc. in explanation of terms or conditions or other general information.

    Service - multiple text messages about work to do, work done, internal notes, other items left.

    Item - 1) standard (350 characters).  2) extended (10,000 characters) description or selling points of an item.  Both types of item notes are for in store reference and are visible on the web page.

    Transaction - a text message that will be automatically added to an invoice or order when an inventory item is placed on the invoice or order.  It can include special directions or notification.

    Customer - multiple messages about special needs and activities.

    Vendor - multiple messages about special needs and activities.

    Employee - multiple messages about special needs and activities.

Not On File - printed on a report if the customer was a cash sale rather than a customer by name.

Not Used - status of an invoice which was voided before being processed.


-- O --

ODBC Driver - An ODBC driver handles the connection to the SQL database, and can also be a way of extracting data from POSitive database files into other file formats.

Opening Balance - the amount of money in the cash drawer for making change.

On Order - number of inventory items on a purchase order which are designated for a customer order in process. Tip: you may click on the word On Order (of the stock panel of Inventory List) to see vendor POs for the item.

Order - a type of customer invoice used to list items a customer wants to purchase, but which have not yet been delivered.  Sometimes a partial payment as a deposit on the items is expected.  An Order MUST be converted to an invoice when the items are delivered to the customer.  Other types are Layaway, Quote, Service Order, Internet Order, Contract Pricing, and Recurring Invoice.

Orders In Process - a listing of layaways, orders, service orders, and quotes which have not yet been converted to an invoice.

Order List Management - a listing of inventory needing to be ordered from vendors.

Orphans (w/o POs) - inventory items to be returned to the vendor for which there are no historical purchase orders

Other Left - a type of service note for recording items such a cables, manuals, and general pieces left with the item to be repaired.


-- P --

Package - the selling of multiple inventory items for one lump sum total without revealing the selling price of each individual item.

Packing Slip - a printout of an invoice or order without pricing details to be used shipping or packaging purposes.  Also known as a Pick List.

Partial Delivery - to convert selected items from the Layaway/Order to an invoice

Password - an employee's secret code of up to 5 characters to validate access rights.

Paste - a Windows procedure to highlight text, copy it (Ctrl-C) to the clipboard, and paste it (Ctrl-V) in another location.

Pending - a listing of layaways, orders, service orders, and quotes which have not yet been converted to an invoice.

Permanent Discounts – customer discounting based upon types of products being purchased

Pharmacy - a third party add-in program for tracking sales from a pharmacy

Phone Dialer - with proper computer setup, a customer's phone number can be dialed through POSitive.

Pic - short for picture or image file.

PO History - processed purchase orders for review and some modification

Pole Display - a device so the customer can see the selling prices of items being purchased. See Multi-Monitor for enhanced options.

Policy Statement - messages to print at the bottom of invoices and orders

Portable Scanner - more accurately a data collector which will store SKU's and quantities of items with barcodes which have been scanned.

POSitive Mobile - an application that enables Windows Mobile devices to connect in real time to a POSitive database to do price lookups and simple orders away from the cashier station; a great solution for sales of bulky items.

Post - the action of selecting and processing an entry.  This term relates to accounts payable, unposted inventory, and purchase orders

PostNet Ship To - an element on customer labels which converts the zip code to scanable barcodes.

Post To AP - an option under vendor terms to automatically include a purchase order charges to Accounts Payable.

Post To Internet - to set an inventory item to be included as Internet Inventory.

Post Transactions - to process GL Journal entries to history

Prepaid Order From Invoice Number xxxx - This note is automatically generated when an invoice with a backorder item is paid for in full and the backordered items are retained as customer orders.

Pre-Sold - an inventory item which was sold when POSitive thought there was no stock available.  This is only used in conjunction with the "Allow Negative Inventory" option.    Tip: you may click on the word Pre-Sold (of the stock panel of Inventory List) to see customer Pre-Sales.

Preview - to view a report or invoice on screen.  You may then choose to print or cancel the report.

Price Break - automatic price changes when selling multiples of an inventory item.  See Quantity Break.

Price Changes on Invoice – if an employee is empowered to adjust selling prices on an order or invoice, there is a Pop-Up Option which will only allow the employee to select from predefined price levels.

Price Check or Price Lookup - a feature for scanning the SKU of an inventory item to find its current selling price.

Price In SKU -  Also known as Random Weight or UPCB.  Define the structure of a barcode which will include a price or weight in the barcode.  This option is often used in retail stores which sell products by weight.  In the packaging process the scale prints a barcode with the price embedded in the barcode.

Price Level - the selling price of an item.  You can designate up to six different selling prices for an item.  These price levels are assigned to individual customers.

Primary SKU - if an inventory item has more than one SKU for lookup purposes, only one can be the main SKU.  It is this main or primary SKU which will be used when printing labels for the inventory item.

Print Labels - the process of creating pricing labels for each item for sale

Printer Driver - a program of sorts with instructions for operating a printer or other computer device.

PRM.EXE - launches a logo screen for POSitive Retail Manager and then executes PRMinv.exe

PRMINV.EXE - the executable which runs POSitive Retail Manager

Process - to finish or complete.

Process Other Returns - to return unsold inventory items to vendor

Product Break Down - to disassemble a purchased item into basic components for resale or re-use in other products

Project Tracking with Shipping Addresses - unlimited number of ship to addresses for customers.  Taxation based upon delivery destination.

Promo Manager - a centralized listing for creation of inventory with promotional pricing.

Promo Pricing - an automatic selling price effective for pre-set time periods such as a sales event.

Prompts - screens asking for additional information; set for general invoicing or specific categories - also called Selling or Invoice Prompts

Properties - the settings of an item.

Purchase Order - a list of inventory items being purchased from a specific vendor.

Purchase Order Importer – generate quick lists of items to be reordered by importing a stored file.

Purge - to delete a list of activities or entries.


-- Q --

Quantity Break - automatic price changes per item when selling increasing multiples of an inventory item.  See Price Break.

Quantity Equation Some inventory product is sold by the linear or square inch or foot.  An inventory item can be flagged to prompt for Quantity and open a formula box for entering dimensions and the resultant answer will be automatically applied to the quantity field.  In addition, the dimensions are printed as notes on the invoice.

Quantity Separator - a character such as the slash "/" to distinguish between the quantity and the SKU in expressions like 4/00829432442 wherein the 4 is the quantity and 00829432442 is the SKU.

Query - a filtering device for limiting the results of a search or report.  From several places in POSitive you can choose to "apply a query" to the work being done.  The query can be simple, one field with one search criteria, or more complex involving multiple fields of information.  The query can be named and saved for future use.

Quick Add - a method for adding a sale to an invoice if an item is not recognized by a scan of the barcode.

Quick RMA - a return to vendor by using a negative quantity value on a purchase order immediately reduces stock counts and credits the accounts payables for the vendor.  This is especially useful for delivery type vendors who take back expired or unused stock.  It can also be used for store consumption of items.

Quick Sale - an invoice to a walk-in customer; no customer record exists

Quick Sale Default - a tax rate assigned to a customer making in store purchases.  The actual tax rate is assigned in System Setup:

Quick Sale Tax Group - the taxation setting in System Setup for walk-in customers with no customer record.  This will charge the tax rate of the store location.  (Optional: separate settings for Divisions)

Quote (Standard) - a type of customer invoice used to list items a customer is considering to purchase.  Items on a quote do not "hold" or reserve your inventory.  If accepted it is converted to an Order and eventually to an Invoice.  Other types are Layaway, Order, Service Order, Internet Order, Contract Prcing and Recurring Invoice.

Quote, Service - a quote with the capability to record service work to be done.  Without this feature it is referred to as a Standard Quote


-- R --

Random Weight or UPCB - see Price In SKU

Range of Dates - a screen for defining a Start Date/time to an End Date/time for reports and promotional prices

Re-Assign Transaction - transfer an incorrectly applied AR charge to the correct customer account.

Re-Calc Markups - a button which will automatically calculate the selling price based upon the cost and the markup or margin setting on the category to which the item is assigned.

Recall - to use a saved list such as an e-marketing e-mail list.  See Store.

Recalls – easily identify products subject to manufacturer recall and notify the purchasers of those products

Receive - 1)  to complete a purchase order and accept inventory on the PO into stock.  2) to get e-mail messages.

Receive Without PO - to create a PO and receive products from a vendor simultaneously

Reconcile - to review and adjust inventory stock counts.

Record - a group of all segments or fields which make make up an item such as an inventory item.

Recurring Invoice - a type of customer invoice used to list items a customer wants to purchase, but which have not yet been delivered.  Sometimes a partial payment as a deposit on the items is expected.  An Order MUST be converted to an invoice when the items are delivered to the customer.  Other types are Layaway, Order, Quote, Service Order, Internet Order, and Contract Pricing..

Refund - to give back money or credit. This can be handled by taking money out of the cash drawer, issuing a Gift Card, or placing the monies as a store credit towards future purchases or as payment of outstanding invoices on Accounts Receivable.

Register - a computer using POSitive.  Also called a Station or Workstation.

Related Items - inventory items which are similar to other inventory items; a part of e-commerce sales.  see Accessories.

Release Item - to transfer an inventory item from one customer's order to fill another order you are currently working on.

Reminders - more of a task list for an employee which can identify customers, vendors, products, etc. which need to be reviewed or require some type of action.

Remote Store - a member of a Multi-Site group dependent upon a master store.

Reporter - a built-in report designing program which creates reports from POSitive's SQL data.  Reports created by Report Writer can be 1) attached to POSitive Report Center and run as needed, 2) sales transactions can be printed to a specially designed form  created by Report Writer.

Report Writer - a built-in report designing program.

Reprint / Email Invoice - at the end of creating a transaction, a Change Due screen displays how much change the customer is entitled to.  There are also options to Reprint the invoice in the event the printer failed to print a receipt the first time, as well as an option to e-mail the invoice to the customer.

Resale Number - a business tax id or federal identification number authorizing exemption from paying sales tax.

Reset Inventory - to globally change inventory item properties or settings.

Restore Backup - to replace current data with data saved earlier.

Retrieve Suspended - to re-open from any workstation an invoice which was temporarily saved.

Retrieving From Website - a message displayed as the POSitive connects to the internet for weather information

Return - 1) an inventory item received back from a customer purchase 2) an inventory item sent back to the vendor

Returns From Customers - items received back from customers which need to be distributed into stock or back to vendor

Return Action - an explanation of what should be done with an inventory item returned on an RMA to a vendor.

Return To Stock - a choice for handling inventory items returned by customers which removes the item from the return list and updates the stock count.

Return To Vendor - a choice for handling inventory items returned by customers which removes the item from the return list and places it in a pending RMA list for its vendor, or if the vendor is unknown it will be held as an 'orphan' until further processed

RightMouseClick - to press the right hand button on a mouse, usually to open additional options.

Round Pricing - 1)  to automatically adjust selling price within a quote or contract pricing to the full dollar or nearest tenth of a dollar.  2) an international setting to take payment to the nearest five cents.

RMA - "return merchandise authorization" or the process of sending inventory back to a vendor for credit or repair.

RMA Aging - how many days an inventory item has been with the vendor.

RMA History - listing of inventory sent back to and replaced or credited by the vendor

RMA Letter - a printout to the vendor to whom you are returning products stating what is being returned and why.


-- S --

Salesperson - the employee who initiated the sale to the customer by creating an order, quote, or invoice.  Printouts will say "Sold By".

Salesperson vs Cashier – if you are tracking sales by employee, the invoice can record both the Cashier and the Salesperson who initiated the sale to the customer by creating an order, quote, or invoice.  Printouts will say "Sold By".  If the cashier is simply preparing invoices on behalf of the salesperson, there is a station setting to allow the cashier to properly select the true sales person.  There is also an option for automatically assigning a sales person for all transactions per customer.

Sales ID - an employee code of up to 3 characters to identify the user of POSitive

Save As - to save the project with a different name; when using Reports Editor

Save/Post - to either save for later or to process.

Save For Later - to not process a PO, but to hold it for later processing.

Scan - to read a barcode using a scanner.

Screen Prompt - the title of a field on the inventory edit screen.

Search - to look for or find something by entering letters and or numbers

Search / Find Customer – locate a customer not only by name or phone number but by address or other criteria

Search String - the sequence of letters and or numbers used as part the entry being sought.

Sections - a feature of classic invoice style, can be used on invoices and pending transactions for easier organization of lengthy quotes, orders, service orders, and layaways.  Multiple products can be serviced per transaction, each with it's own set of service notes.

Secure Log Out - requires the next person to use the computer to enter a valid POSitive Sales ID and Password

Selling Prompts - screens asking for additional information; set for general invoicing or specific categories - also called Prompts or Invoice Prompts

Send To Vendor - return inventory which is ready to ship to vendor

Serial Numbers - inventory items marked with a unique number as a means of individualized identification. Duplicate Serial Numbers is an option used for tracking Lot/Batch numbers of products. When invoicing, the serial number of the item being sold will appear directly below the line item and is included on the invoice print-out.  Invoice History allows for searches of serial numbers sold and will identify the exact invoice it was sold on.

Serial Number Prefix - leading characters of a serial number using Auto-Generate Range.

Serial Number Suffix - trailing characters of a serial number using Auto-Generate Range.

Serial Number Terminating Character(s) - typically the colon keyboard character which is used in the middle of long series of numbers to designate the end of the SKU and the beginning of a serial number and/or other elements.

Service Order - a type of customer invoice used to list items a customer wants repaired or serviced.  It can also include othre items to be purchased.  A service order features extensive notes about work to do and work done.  Sometimes a partial payment as a deposit on the items is expected.  A Service Order MUST be converted to an invoice when the items are delivered to the customer.  Other types are Layaway, Order, Quote, Intenet Order, Contract Pricing, and Recurring Invoice.

Service Time Cards - apply to employees who are designated as service technicians.  If you have the Service Module of POSitive you are able to create service orders which are specially designed to record work needing to be done and work performed.  For each service order, multiple service technicians can record how much time they spent on that particular service order, hence the Service Time Cards.

Service Tech - an employee with rights and ability to schedule and edit service orders.

Service Quote - a quote with the capability to record service work to be done.  Without this feature it is referred to as a Standard Quote

Set Delivery - a Touchscreen or Invoice button for controlling which items on an invoice will be delivered now or later. see Delivery

Set Ship Days - an option to calculate how long it will take an item to arrive from the vendor when ordered.

Settlement Discount - allows the end-user to offer their customers a discount on goods paid before a certain number of days, with the tax calculated on the discounted amount

Shifts - sales periods with a beginning and an ending time.  All invoices are date and time stamped.  You can generate sales reports based upon a specific time period during the day.

Shipping Addresses - unlimited number of ship to addresses for customers.  Taxation based upon delivery destination.

Skip Invoice Print / Print Only On Demand - a station setting skips the normal printing of a receipt when an invoice is tendered.  However, the Change Due screen allows for printing of an invoice On Demand

SKU - "Stock Keeping Unit" also known as a PLU.  It is a unique code number or name combination often used as a Barcode for an item.

SKU Prefix - a leading identifier of a used inventory item.

SKU Suffix - a trailing identifier of a used inventory item.

SmartFeatures - shortcut features built into POSitive to save you effort, time, and worry.  Some of these features will need to be activated while others are always working for you.

Snapshot - a consolidated summary of a customer's purchases.

Spell Checker - pressing F12 on the keyboard while editing a note field will activate a built-in spell checker

Split Commission - the ability to take the commission due and apply it to just one individual.

Split Tender - the ability to take a combination of payment types such as cash, plus a check, plus a credit card, in payment for one invoice.

Standard Quote - a type of customer invoice used to list items a customer is considering to purchase.  Items on a quote do not "hold" or reserve your inventory.  If accepted it is converted to an Order and eventually to an Invoice.  Other types are Layaway, Order, Service Order, Internet Order, Contract Prcing and Recurring Invoice.

StarShip - a specialized shipping software program which POSitive can link to

Station - a computer using POSitive.  Also called a Register or Workstation.

Stock - number of inventory items

Stock Location - a reference to a shelf or section of the store where items are displayed.  Stock counts can be assigned to the location and are automatically decremented at the time of sale.

Stock Panel - a small section on screen which displays stock counts, In Stock, Held, Available, etc.

Store - to save an e-mail marketing list of e-mail customers.

Store Account - internal tracking of customer Accounts Receivable.

Store Code - an alpha-number used for store identification when using POSitive Multi-Site

Store Credits - if customer's are entitled to Loyalty Rewards or monies due them on Accounts Receivable, the cashier can be prompted to use those store credits at the time of invoicing as payment towards current purchases.

Store Number - a number for setting customer account numbering when using POSitive Multi-Site

Subject - a brief title of an e-mail message

Sub-Categories - classification terms by which an inventory item can be grouped and found.

Sub Owner - allows a business to bring in multiple items to be serviced which belong to several of its own customers, and then have all the billing for service under the business name.

Subtotal - 1) a total of items before calculating coupons and deposits.  2) a closing line of a "package" so that additional items will not be treated as part of the package.

Suggested Add Ons - inventory items which are Accessories or Related Items

Summary - a sales report with just the totals and no details showing the sources of the totals.

Suspend - to temporarily save an invoice for later processing, usually the same day

SupportNET - creates help tickets with your questions and problems and POSitive support staff sends you an e-mail reply

SupportNET Forum - a chat room of sorts allowing users, dealers, and programmers to share ideas, problems, and suggestions.


-- T --

Tablet - A tablet running Win 7 should be able to run POSitive software in touchscreen mode.  You can create a touchscreen at a desktop station optimized for the screen resolution of the tablet.  Then assign a specific station to the device and launch POSitive in touchscreen mode (employee ID will trigger touchscreen).

Tag, Tagging - to tag is to checkmark one or more items for inclusion in an operation.  Frequently you will see tag all, untag all as options.

Tag Along Items --when one inventory item is sold, you can link other items to it so that they will automatically be added to the invoice.  For example, selling a car alternator will add a core charge or deposit until the old alternator is turned in. This saves the cashier from having to remember to include such items and helps the customer to get all necessary applicable parts.

Tax Category - inventory products and services are assigned a tax category, either taxable or non-taxable.  Some products may require more sophisticated definition such as inclusion of an additional luxury tax.

Tax Exclusive - the selling price of an item does not include applicable taxes

Tax Group - people are classified or assigned a tax group which will determine to what extent they are liable for paying taxes.  Typical tax groups are state residents, out of state residents, and government exemptions.

Tax Inclusive Pricing - the selling price of an item includes applicable taxes.  The advertised price is all that will be charged and taxes will be calculated for the sales tax report.  This is ideal for some businesses with tourist traffic or other environments to make it easier for customers to make purchasing  decisions.

Tax On Freight - an amount of taxes charged on the freight charge of a purchase order.

Tax On Order - an amount of taxes charged by the vendor for items purchased.

Tax Rate - the percentage of the sale which is collected as taxes.

Tender - to take payment or the type of money used such as by cash, check, or credit card.

Tender Spellings - since regions vary in the spelling of cheque and check, POSitive allows for setting spelling preference.  Also, multiple tender types can be added to indicate different types of transactions such as Electronic Check and Funds Transfer

Template - a grouping of inventory items and notes to be added to an invoice or order as one complete unit.

Thermal Printer - a type of printer which applies heat to heat sensitive paper to print characters.  Such printers are used for printing 40 column receipts (cash register tape) and labels.  Other printer types are Laser, Ink Jet, and Dot Matrix..


Thumbnail Picture - a low resolution (50 by 50 pixel) picture. POSitive will convert large pictures into thumbnail sizes for e-commerce purposes.

Toggle % - a button which will display either the markup or margin of the selling price of an item.

Tool Bar - a group of icons used as links to important functions and activities.  Some tool bars can be repositioned on the screen.

Touchscreen - a computer monitor which allows for selection of program options by just touching a section of the screen.

Trade-In - an inventory item which you accept from a customer through an invoice.  (Ctrl-T while creating an invoice.)  Also see Used Items Manager.

Trade-In Price - value placed upon an item taken in trade which now becomes your store cost.

Tracking - keeping count of the number of inventory items in stock.

Tracking Number - a number which POSitive assigns each inventory item when it is received into stock to link it to a specific vendor purchase order.

Trailing Zeros - a series of zeroes added at the end of a generated SKU.  See AutoSKU.

Transaction - an activity such as a purchase or payment

Transaction History - batches of posted General Ledger transactions

Transaction Log - a listing of activities completed.

Transaction Note - a text message that will be automatically added to an invoice or order when an inventory item is placed on the invoice or order.  It can include special directions or notification.

Transaction Report - an invoice form

Transaction Screen - the display on the computer when creating an invoice.

Transfer Stock - the ability to electronically adjust current stock counts of items between two Multi-Sites.


-- U --

Unapplied Credit - the amount of money the store owes the customer.  The sources of unapplied credit can come from a deposit refund, a refund for returned products, advance payment, and commissions earned.  Also known as Open Credit

UNASSIGNED is not a true department name, so there should never be any categories below this title.  If you had once chosen "Remove Category [F3]"  or if an inventory importer was not defined correctly, then the category was unlinked and classified as Unassigned.

Uncollectable - an accounts receivable charge which will not ever be paid for is processed as uncollectable.

Undefined - a setting which has not been created and named.

Unlock Codes - registration numbers to activate POSitive so that it is no longer in demonstration mode and remove all limitations.

Unit Cost - the each cost of an inventory item can be extended to 4 decimal places.  If Units Per Order is greater than one, then it is the Last Order Cost divided by Units Per Order.  See Bulk Inventory.  If you have activated Landed Cost, then the Unit Cost reflects freight charges and can be higher than the Last Order Cost.

Units Per Order - the number of pieces which can be sold individually.  See Bulk Inventory.

Unposted -

1) an inventory item which is incomplete.  The item was added to inventory at the time of invoicing using Fast Add or Quick Add and does not contain enough detail to properly order or track the item.  Generally, a category and cost and other settings need to be reviewed.  A list of unposted inventory can be viewed by selecting the "U" filter on the inventory list.

2)  an Accounts Payable entry from receiving a purchase order.  The entry needs to be edited to enter an invoice number, shipping charges, and any other information not available when the product was received.

Unused Credits - see Unapplied Credit

Update - to apply the most current changes.

Update Customers - a method for making default setting changes to existing customers.

Upload - to transfer internet inventory from POSitive to your Website or Yahoo Store.

Used Item - a trade-in item assigned to a current inventory item and can be sold as a used item

Used Items Manager - tracks used inventory intake and sales

User Defined Fields - blank fields which you, the user can title.  There are two types of User Defined Fields: Customer and Inventory which allow to record and track additional information about a person or inventory item.  Also referred to as User Defined Names or UDF


-- V --

Value - a number

VAT - value added tax, used by some communities as part of the selling price or a tax on purchase orders

Vendor - any company or individual who provides you with product for resale or services such as electricity, rent, etc.

Vendor Inventory - items which can be purchased from a specific vendor.  An important concept that you should understand is that items in this list are NOT real inventory items.  The real inventory item is the definition you created with Your SKU in the All Inventory List.  The item in the vendor list is Your Item with a vendor SKU linked to it.

If you delete an item from the vendor list, you are not deleting the true item.  However, if you delete the item from your inventory list, then it will also be deleted from the vendor inventory list.

Vendor SKU - the vendor's identification code for the product.

Vendor SKU=Your SKU - a SmartFeature which automatically uses the SKU of the product for both your item and the vendors item identical.

Vendor Terms - terms of payment for purchases from your vendors.

Verify Inventory Files - a procedure to compare inventory stock levels with reported stock counts.  Also checks for proper assignment of SKUs, vendor inventory, and serial numbers.

Verify Pricing - to review current price, cost, and margins before accepting automatic changes or before printing of labels.

Verify Vendors - (Multi-Site Module) - Vendors are only added at the master site.  If a remote site cannot find a vendor which was added at the master site, then run Maintenance: Data Utilities: Utilities at the master site.  The remote site will receive a new update of vendors.


-- W --

Wallpaper - a picture or image as background for POSitive.

Warranty - the coverage or guarantee of an inventory item or service.

WAV Files - files which make sounds when activated have the extension .wav

Weather Location Code - a feature of GEM for gathering weather details as an overlay for sales history

Web - the world wide web; internet; e-commerce.

Web Store - if you have a website for your company, you can turn it into a store with POSitive eCommerce which adds a shopping cart so that customers can easily purchase products you carry.

Wildcard Search - you may search for as many words or strings of characters as you wish, just be sure to use % between those groups and the words or strings are in sequence. (see Wildcard Search)

Witness Block - the signature section of a consignment agreement.

Wizard - a sequence of windows to guide you through all the necessary steps of creating setups.

Word Wrap - to display long text descriptions of an item so that all words will be visible within the window.

Work Done - a service note for recording what was done by the technician for repair the item.

Work To Do - a service note for recording what work needs to be done by the technician.

Workstation - a computer using POSitive.  Also called a Station or Register.


-- Y --

You Saved - a calculated value of savings printed on the customer 40col invoice form (note this requires some setup time)