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What Categories Can Do

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The category is a pivotal feature of POSitive.  You may have as many or as few categories as you wish.

Every inventory item MUST be assigned to a category.  You may reassign an item to another category either singly or en masse.

As you begin to create categories for your inventory and services you should keep in mind the multiple functions performed by the category.

Affect Entry of an Item on an Invoice
Affect Inventory Stock Count Reconciliation
Assign Pricing Levels
Assign Price Label Styles
Assign Specialty User-Defined Fields and select which ones print on invoice
Auto Assign a Vendor
Auto Assign Tax Rates
Auto Generate SKUs
Automatically Define Inventory Settings
Calculate quantities to reorder to reach maximum stock counts
Control Freight Charges
Define Departments
Determine Price Basis as Markup or Margin
Enable Food Stamp Tendering
Enhance Inventory Import
Establish Rules for Trade-Ins
Establish Gift Certificate Operations
Establish Separate GL Accounts for Sales and Purchases
Establish Warranty Settings
Exempt Inventory Items from a PO Tax
Facilitate Lookups
Facilitate Reports
Globally Change Inventory Settings
Initiate Price Calculation Factors to round or end in a specified number
Manage Consignment Inventory
Manage Trade In Inventory
Manage Unposted (On the Fly) Inventory
Redefine titles of fields on Inventory Detail screen
Set Commission Percentage
Set Minimum Age Verification Restrictions
Set Serial Number Tracking
Speed Up Creation of Inventory Files
Trigger Selling Prompts to Gather Specific Information when an item is sold
Unilaterally Apply Global Pricing
Unilaterally Apply Promotional Pricing


It is suggested that you first review and set the MASTER of Category Defaults (Listing) before adding categories.  This SmartFeature can save you much time.