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Overview Accounts Payable

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Accounts Payable lists the monies you owe your vendors and other creditors.  Typically, when you receive products through purchase orders, the charges will be automatically added to this list.  (Vendor Term requires "Post To AP" activated)

You can access this list by going to Accounting: Accounts Payable: and choosing AP Processing.  Or, you can open the Vendor Center, highlight a vendor, and choose Payables under the Actions at left.

A) Focus on All Vendors or on a specific Vendor - Choose from the drop down.  Once you have selected the vendor, you can freely choose AP - Unposted, Posted, or History views to see all activity for that vendor.

B) Choose a View

AP - Unposted - a listing of accounts payable charges which are under review.  The screen shows the Vendor Invoice number, Vendor name, your PO Number and dates and total charges.
Note "In Process" means that the purchase order is still pending and that items have not yet arrived from the vendor.
Tip: The letters "ps" in the invoice number could indicate that you only have a packing slip and not the final invoice.  (see Accounts Payable - Unposted)
AP - Posted - a listing of accounts payable charges which have been approved for payment, but have not yet been paid.  They cannot be edited at this stage; you must first "unpost" the transaction.  (see Accounts Payable - Posted)
AP - History - a listing of accounts payable charges which have been paid.  They cannot be edited at this stage.  (see AP History)

C) Review Details - this will open the panel at the bottom of the screen to show

Summary - Vendor Name and Address, vendor invoice number, PO number, and dates placed and arrived. (Version 6: Summary has been moved to the Property Grid.)
PO Detail - Displays the inventory items received on the purchase order plus taxes. (Version 6: PO Detail is now shown in the lower window.)

D) (Optional) Make changes to any highlighted transaction, or add a new transaction especially if the charges would not be added automatically by processing purchase orders.  By choosing "Edit PO Header" you can change the invoice number, dates, and freight charges.

E) Once the transaction has been reviewed and you confirm that the charges are accurate, then tag (checkmark) and  choose Post Tagged [F9] (Version 6: Select Post Approved) to prepare the items for payment.  NOTE: you are simply moving them to the AP Posted section where you will selectively choose to pay and print checks per vendor.




Bill To - Buyer Group

When the Purchase Order from a member of a Buyer Group is selected to be paid, the payee automatically becomes the Buyer Group instead of the Vendor.  The Bill To field shows which organization will be paid.

"In Process" transactions will not show a Bill To at this time.


Processing Membership Payments

From time to time, you may need to send monies to the Buyer Group independently of any purchase orders.  To do this,

1)  Go to Accounting: Accounts Payable: UnPosted

2)  Add a transaction for the Buyer Group

3)  If the Buyer Group is not listed in the Bill To field, choose Edit PO Header at the bottom of the screen.  Activate "Bill To Buyer Group" option.

4)  Post the added transaction for the Buyer Group to AP Posted and process payment.  If you have activated Checkbook, the amount will be in the added to the Checkbook for printing of the check.  (once in the checkbook, the Transaction can be noted as a wire transfer)