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Setup BirthDay List

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One possible use of the User Defined Fields is to identify the month in which a customer has a birthday or anniversary.



Go to the Customer Center

Under Actions choose Customer Categories

Edit the Customer Category(s) and

On the right enter BDay Month in Field 1

-- You do not need to choose a Test Field format

-- Press F1 and you will get the online help topic which may answer other questions you may have.


Choose OK [F10] and close this window.

Choose the button "Update Existing Customers" and when prompted, choose OK without checking any of the boxes.  This will add the BDay Month to your current customers.  (whether you use it or not is up to you)

Also run the button "Apply To Unassigned Customers" which will catch any customers the first button missed.


Exit the Customer Center



Re-Open the Customer Center

Highlight one of the customer's for whom you know the birthdate.

Choose Edit.  In the Center right you will see a field titled BDay Month


Enter the birthday

TIP: always enter the month as a 3 character abbreviation - AUG, OCT, etc.

You may add the date if you wish - but most people send out notices by the month and not by the date.


Repeat the process until your customers are updated with birth dates.



Create a Query/Filter to find qualifying customers

Open the Customer Center

Click on the Blue Question Mark (to the right of the green Go! button)


Choose New

Highlight the option "User Defined Field 1" and choose Next

Highlight the option "Contains" and choose Next

Type JAN and choose Next - (you will be searching for all customers who have a birthday in January as per the setup above)

Choose Finish button and when prompted to Save Changes answer Yes and call it JAN.


Repeat the above steps and create a Query for each month of the year.



When it is time to send out birthday greetings, choose the Query (Blue Question Mark) and select the appropriate month.

This will filter your Customer Center to just those customers who have that 3 letter abbreviation in the User Defined Field.



What you choose to do next depends upon how you want to use this group of information.  Contact your Dealer or POSitive Software Co.