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API Fields

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Note: This information is subject to change. For latest Field listing go to: POSitive API Fields

chartdata_retrieve Send your credentials to verify that you get back a valid response.
credential_check Send your credentials to verify that you get back a valid response.
customer_create Create a new Customer. Returns a unique Customer identifier.
customer_update Update Customer information
customer_address_create Create billing or shipping address for a customer.
customer_address_update Update a Customer address.
customer_address_list Retrieves billing and shipping addresses for a specific customer.
customer_Info Returns Customer information for a specific Customer.
customer_list Lists all customers in blocks of 50. Returns total number of customer records and how many records were returned. Call this method with incrementing block numbers until the status returned is "no records retrieved".
customer_udf_update Returns all Customer Categories along with their defined User Defined Fields and Options if applicable.
customer_udf_definitions_list List of products in blocks of 50. Returns total number of product records and how many records were returned. Call this method with incrementing block numbers until the status returned is "no records retrieved".
customer_document_update Receive a document to be added to the Customer's stored documents. Documents with the same name as an existing document will be updated.
customer_invoice_summary_list Returns Customer Invoice Summary for a specific Customer. Use this list to retrieve individual invoice with transaction_invoice_info
department_create Create new department.
divisions_list Retrieve list of Divisions
product_list List of products in blocks of 50. Returns total number of product records and how many records were returned. Call this method with incrementing block numbers until the status returned is "no records retrieved".
product_contract_pricing_list Retrieve contract pricing by customerid, or by customerid/productid.
product_department_category_list Retrive contract pricing by customerid, or by customerid/productid.
product_price_groups_list List of product price groups.
product_image_list Retrieve images by localproductid or productid. Images are returned as "primary", "thumbnail", or "additional"
product_stock_info Returns stock information for a specific product
transaction_create Creates a transaction header.
transaction_invoice_info Returns invoice header and detail
transaction_invoice_list Returns invoice headers
transaction_product_taxrate Retrieves the tax rate for a product, based on the customer tax group id and the product's category tax group id
transaction_payment_create Creates a transaction payment for a specified transactionid.
transaction_pending_info Returns pending transaction header and detail
transaction_pending_list Returns pending transaction headers
tax_customer_group_list Customer Tax Group definitions. Each Customer is assigned to a tax group. Each tax group has individually defined Product Category tax groups and rates.
tax_category_group_list Category Tax Group definitions. Each Product Category is assigned a Category Tax Group. Category Tax Groups are then assigned Tax Rates.
tax_taxrate_list Tax rates. Each Tax rate is assigned to a Category Tax Group.
tax_category_taxrate_link_list Linking table, that links customer_group_id, category_group_id, and taxrate_id
station_list Retrieve list of Stations and their settings
system_changes_list List of changes
tender_definitions_list Tax rates. Each Tax rate is assigned to a Category Tax Group.