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Sample Manager Mode

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Manager Mode - switch from Register or Touchscreen to back office mode (password protected)

(see Pre-Defined )

Manager Mode gives back office access to many but not all functions.  For example, notice that you do not have access to File - Edit - Window - Help pull down menus.  


If you discover such limitations, consider running the back office independently of the touchscreen to make changes.

Invoice Style Button

Not Applicable

Register Style Button

The button bar of Register style can include a Manager Mode button which will give you access to most all of the functions as mentioned above.



Sample: Restricted Cashier Operations

Some users of POSitive have opted to give cashiers very little latitude as to what they can see and access.

The following screen view was accomplished by the following Station Settings:

"Do Not Show POSitive Menu Bar" is checked.
"Invoices Maximized" is checked
Access to "File - Edit - Window - Help" pull down menus is available, but very limited and restricted even more by employee security settings.


On the Transaction tab, a new button called "Exit Manager Mode" is in the place of the Take Payment button.  This button will close the back office session and return you to running Register Style Invoice.


Touchscreen Style Button

On the Transactions tab, a new button called TouchScreen is in the place of the Take Payment button.  This TouchScreen button will close the back office session and return you to running the Touch Screen.
