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Sample Invoice History

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Invoice History - to review all invoice history without leaving the invoice screen

(see Pre-Defined )

While working on an invoice, you may have questions about previous invoices for the current customer.  Select the Invoice History button.

Also see Invoice History

Invoice Style Button


Register Style Button


Touchscreen Style Button




Filter For Invoice History

-- All Invoices

-- This Division Only (optional setup required)



Applicable to Invoice Style

Opens Invoice History screen

While in touchscreen mode, an employee may need to open the Invoice History screen.  This lists all invoices in the system.  One can search, void, clone, and print old invoices.

Search - enter invoice number

Void - cancel the highlighted invoice.  You cannot void an invoice which has been posted already, placed on accounts receivable, or password protected. If it is a current invoice, you will be prompted to create a new invoice from the old invoice.

Clone - copy highlighted invoice as a new invoice

Print - print or preview the highlighted invoice


If more information is needed, consider using the Manager Mode button to run the back office screens.