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Sample Choose From Dept/Category

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Choose From Dept/Category - Only functional when a category has been assigned to two different departments and you need to choose items from not just the category but specifically from the department/category.

(see Pre-Defined )


Special Instructions

Invoice Style Button  (Not Applicable)

Register Style Button  (Not Applicable)

Touchscreen Style Button

In this example, there is only item assigned to the department Accessories and the category Global.  (The category named Global has been assigned to two departments: Accessories and Admin and this button will display the correct items.)


Buttons for use
- Up - moves cursor up one line
- Down - moves cursor down one line
- Page Up - moves cursor up one screen full
- Page Down - move cursor down one screen full
- Search Description - enter beginning characters of description
- Details - shows picture, stock status, and available note about the item
- Select - adds highlighted item to the invoice
- Cancel