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PO Number

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Some businesses will provide departmental authorization to make purchases in the form of a company purchase order number.  You can enter these PO numbers from the customer at the time of the creation of a pending transaction or after the fact.

For Automated Prompt:   SETUP REQUIRED

Automated Prompt:  If you want to be prompted automatically for the customer PO Number, edit the customer record and open the "Other" tab.  Activate this option:

Require PO Number When Invoicing - If this customer will be ordering and purchasing on behalf of a company and will be providing PO numbers for purchases, this option will ensure that they provide the PO Number before a sale can be completed.



If No Automated Prompt:  At any time you can edit the pending transaction and select "Enter PO Number."

Using Customer PO Number

Once the PO Number has been assigned it can be searched for.

"Find PO" option under Actions of Pending Transactions is designed to search for customer purchase order numbers.  (see Find PO)