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Legacy Report List

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This is an alphabetical listing of many POSitive Legacy Reports.

13 Week Quantity Sold Report:

Accounts Receivable Activity:

Accounts Receivable Aging Report:

Accounts Receivable Payments Report:

AP Payment:

AR Cash Forecast (titled: Cash Forecast Report)

AR Statement:

AR Transactions By Date (titled: Customer Accounts Receivable Transactions)

Bad Checks Report:

Bin Location Report:  (see Stock Location Report)

Cash Forecast Report:

Chart of Accounts

Checks Tendered Report:

Credit Card Detail:

Current AP Report:

Customer Accounts Receivable Transactions:

Customer Consignments:

Customer File:

Customer Labels:

Customer List:

Customer Profit Report:

Customer Purchases List:

Deposits On File:

Employee Exception Report:

Employee File

Employee List

Employee Sales Report:

Employee Service Time Report

Employee Time Report

Freight Summary Report:

Frequent Buyer History Report

Frequent Buyer Report

General Ledger Accounts:

General Ledger Balance Sheet:

General Ledger Journal Entries:

General Ledger Operating Statement:

General Ledger:

Gift Certificate Sales Report:

Gift Certificates Outstanding:

Hourly Sales Summary w/Graph:

Inventory Discrepancy Report:

Inventory Exception Report:

Inventory Listing:

Inventory Matrix Report:

Inventory Price List:

Inventory Valuation Report:

Invoice Sales Report:

Items Discarded Report:

Items Not Ordered Since….:

Items Not Sold Since…:

Items On Order

Items On Order VS Stock Count:

Items Purchased Report:

Items Returnable To Vendor:

Journal Entries Detail Report:

Layaway Report:

Layaway Statement:

List of Vendors:

List of Voids

Location Reports

Monthly Sales Summary w/Graph:

Order List:

Orders Arrived List:

Paid Commissions Report

Physical Inventory - All Entries:

Physical Inventory - Exception Report:

Physical Stock Count:

Physical Stock Count:

Profit By Week:

Profit Report Sorted By....:

Purchase Order By Date:

Purchase Order Summary Report:

Purchase Order Tax Report  (Paid):

Purchase Order Tax Report  (Pending):

Purchase Order:

Register Activity Log Report:

Register Balance Report - Detail:

Register Balance Report - Summary:

Register Balance Summary Report:

Register Sales Category Summary:

RMA Aging Report:

Sales By Employee w/Graph:

Sales Report All Inventory:

Sales Report By Department:

Sales Report By Vendor:

Sales Tax Report:

Sales vs Purchases (Cash Flow)

Stock Location Report:

Store Credits List:

Summary Of Tender Report:

Trial Balance:

Uncollectable Debts Report:

Unpaid Commissions Report

Unpaid Consignments Report

Vendor Detail:

Vendor Inventory Sales History:

Vendor Inventory Sales Summary:

Vendor Stock Valuation Report: